Il depolveratore per polveri secche Camtain Gold Series è specificamente progettato per applicazioni dell’industria farmaceutica e chimica, dove sono presenti sostanze nocive come gli API e pertanto è necessario il contenimento per proteggere gli operatori dall'esposizione. Il sistema di estrazione modulare è disponibile per volumi d'aria medio-alti ed è testato per soddisfare gli standard ATEX e NFPA, incorporando diverse opzioni di protezione contro le esplosioni.
In many instances, pharmaceutical and chemical manufacturing involves the handling and processing of powder or granular ingredients, many of which have exposure or explosion risks attached when in dust form. A comprehensive risk assessment of each and every application is essential before evaluating the appropriate dust control solution.
Life science and healthcareI processi negli impianti produttivi spesso generano polveri e fumi che possono comportare rischi per la salute degli operatori o compromettere la qualità e la sicurezza dei prodotti. Determinare la giusta soluzione di cattura e filtrazione aiuta a proteggersi dai principali rischi di emissioni incontrollate creando così ambienti di lavoro sicuri.
Food and beverage Life science and healthcare Qualità aria Manufacturing and machineryDust collection systems are all safety devices and thus state-of-the art modern methods of validation and certification are required. Furthermore it is vital to ensure that the system is still in compliance after perhaps changed process conditions, to provide maximum safety for personnel and the facility. It is also recommended to carry out quality audits, process reliability surveys and annual safety inspections.
Food and beverage Life science and healthcare Manufacturing and machinery
Per mitigare i rischi di esposizione ed esplosione negli ambienti di lavoro farmaceutici, è necessario comprendere appieno l'applicazione e gli ingredienti lavorati. I test sulla polvere e un'analisi dei rischi forniscono informazioni più specifiche sulla dimensione delle particelle e sulle proprietà esplosive della polvere, aiutando quindi a determinare la giusta soluzione di estrazione per le vostre esigenze.
Though tablet compression does not generate large volumes of fugitive dust, safe and efficient collection of whatever dust is created by this process is critical. The dust collector linked to the press can contribute to reliable, consistent performance – or detract from it, if components are not properly designed.
When purchasing dust collection systems and filter cartridges, the initial purchase price is just the tip of the iceberg. The true costs – energy, consumables and operations – are lurking below the surface. The good news is that there are ways to reduce these costs over the long term.
Food and beverage Life science and healthcare Innovazione tecnologia ricerca Manufacturing and machinery
HemiPleat is, in short, the uniquely, patented media pleating technology Camfil use to create highly efficient filter cartridges that outlast and outperform competitors alternatives.
Food and beverage Life science and healthcare Manufacturing and machinery
Dust collection systems are an important part of any manufacturing process, so they need to be sized and designed properly. One critical design component is specifying the proper filtration media, which requires analysis of the dust in the process and all operating conditions.
Food and beverage Life science and healthcare Manufacturing and machinery
Dust collectors are necessary safety systems in many manufacturing and processing plants, thus as in the food processing industry. But if they are not designed, installed and maintained properly, these systems themselves can cause serious problems. In this eBook we highlight 10 ways how to make sure your dust collection system is up to the tasks of keeping workers safe, maximising production uptime and meeting regulatory compliance.
Food and beverage Life science and healthcare Manufacturing and machinery
Almost all industrial manufacturing, processing or packaging applications generate dust as a side effect. Many of these dusts are both combustible as well as explosive, and removing them from the work place can significantly reduce the risk of serious accidents. It is estimated that there are approximately 2,000 dust explosions in Europe annually. Most of these are minor but some are very destructive. So by extracting the dust, the risk in the production is reduced, but unless the extraction system is safe the risk is just moved.
Food and beverage Life science and healthcare Manufacturing and machinery
I principi attivi farmaceutici (API) pongono una serie di sfide per i produttori farmaceutici e i loro processi di produzione. Gli API creano polveri molto fini e spesso elevate concentrazioni di solventi durante la manipolazione del prodotto e i processi di produzione. Queste polveri sottili rappresentano il rischio maggiore per la salute dei lavoratori, poiché le particelle nocive vengono trattenute nei polmoni. Ecco perché è necessaria una filtrazione efficace combinata con soluzioni di contenimento per garantire che la polvere non fuoriesca durante il normale funzionamento e durante la manutenzione ordinaria come la sostituzione dei filtri o lo smaltimento delle polveri di scarto.