Visione, missione & come operiamo
Protezione delle persone, dei processi e dell'ambiente

Visione, missione e come operiamo

Vision: aria pulita, un diritto di tutti

In Camfil crediamo che respirare aria pulita sia un diritto di tutti. Ecco perché offriamo un'ampia gamma di soluzioni premium per l'aria pulita per la filtrazione commerciale e industriale, la depolverazione e le applicazioni per turbomacchine. 

L'aria pulita migliora la produttività del personale e dei macchinari, riduce il consumo energetico, e favorisce la salute umana e dell'ambiente. Attraverso un nuovo approccio alla risoluzione dei problemi, un design innovativo, un controllo dei processi preciso e una forte attenzione al cliente ci poniamo l'obiettivo di conservare di più, usare di meno e trovare nuovi modi, in modo che tutti possano respirare più facilmente.

Guarda: take a breath

Aria pulita. Un futuro di salute. Guarda il nostro breve video sulla nostra vision. 

Missione: proteggere le persone, i processi e l'ambiente

La nostra missione è proteggere le persone, i processi e l'ambiente, definendo, sviluppando e consegnando soluzioni che combinano aria pulita con efficienza energetica in un modo sostenibile e profittevole.

Sei pronto a scoprire come possiamo proteggere il tuo personale e le tue strutture?

Come operiamo: dai un occhio al nostro lavoro intorno al mondo

Cosa hanno a che fare Ebola, lo sbarco su Marte e la sicurezza nucleare con il nostro business?

Clean landing on Mars

In 1997, Camfil was part of the successful Pathfinder mission to Mars.

Six ventilation filters were installed into Lander and Rover tanks for the electronic systems used in the Mars Pathfinder project. An efficiency of 99.99% with a particle size of 0.3 µm was required for the filters.

The filters had to collect all bacteria and spores still contained in the tanks in order to prevent contamination of the atmosphere on Mars.

Camfil made a significant contribution to later expeditions, finding the planet in the same natural and decontaminated state it was in before the Pathfinder's mission. 

The most reliable protection against ebola, sars, polia and more

Camfil provided top-level biosafety laboratories (BSL 4) with CamContain air filter systems and CamSafe filter housing.

The Camfil products met the most demanding needs and safety standards for the most hazardous biological agents and microorganisms according to statutory regulations such as TRBA, BGR 121, ISO 14644 and EN 1822.

The air filter systems guarantee protection against contamination because they prevent the release and spread of microorganisms that cause life-threatening diseases for which there is neither a vaccine nor a cure.

Filtration for space travel mice

Have you wondered what Camfil, white mice and International Space Station (ISS) have to do with one another?

Camfil was part of the medical project on the International Space Station to research osteoporosis (the loss of bone mass). Using a mouse model, the study investigated the genetic mechanisms which lead to a loss of bone mass under the conditions of microgravity in space.

The mice were housed in an innovative “Mouse Drawer System” (MDS) which created their optimal living conditions. Camfil developed five different types of filters for this MDS preventing microbiological contamination of the air exchanged between ISS and MDS. This made it possible to gain unaltered research results.

Cleanest conditions for the microelectronic industry

The most advanced microelectronics production facilities in the world use Camfil Airborne Molecular Contamination (AMC) filtration solutions.

Whether it be smartphones, computers, televisions, machines or medical devices – they all now contain highly complex, and tiny, microchips and semiconductors.

The processed components are so small and sensitive that they react to chemical impurities in the surrounding air. Acids, bases, condensates and dopants have absolutely no business in the manufacturing of microelectronics. Thus, AMC filtration in the clean room and for process equipment is absolutely essential.

I filtri Camfil HEPA/ULPA sono prodotti,testati individualmente e certificati nei nostri stabilimenti certificati ISO-9001 in ambienti controllati. Camfil è la prima azienda nel settore della filtrazione a garantire  il degassamento COV e la purezza particellare dei propri prodotti AMC grazie ad uno scanner unico sviluppato per le proprie strutture produttive.

Dopo essere stata la prima azienda in grado di testare al 100% i filtri ULPA, Camfil  è ora la prima a testare al 100% anche i filtri AMC.

Safety first when protecting the air

More than 90 nuclear power plants in the world use Camfil particle and gas filters, filter housing and dampers.

They prevent air contamination. Even the smallest concentration of poisonous, hazardous or radioactive particles can be absolutely reliably and safely filtered.

Camfil’s air filtration systems in the nuclear industry protect the general public and the staff employed against radioactive particles and gases in the air.

Camfil started more than 50 years ago as a supplier for the nuclear energy sector and has unparalleled experience in this area.