CamGT 4V-300

  • ICON34 gasket_01_00_10
  • ICON3 efficiency guarantee
  • ICON5 Low Pressure Drop
  • ICON7
  • ICON9 en1822
  • ICON15 LCC optimized
  • ICON54 ISO 29461 icon
Articolo ISO 29461 Classificazione ISO 16890 Classe di filtrazione EN779 Classe di filtrazione EN1822 Larghezza (mm) Altezza (mm) Profondità (mm) Portata (m3/h) Perdita di carico iniziale (Pa)
Std T7 ePM1 65% F7 592 592 300 4250 130
/ T7 ePM1 65% F7 592 592 300 4250 125
/ T8 ePM1 80% F8 592 592 300 4250 140
/ T8 ePM1 80% F8 592 592 300 4250 135
/ T9 ePM1 85% F9 592 592 300 4250 160
/ T10 E10 592 592 300 4250 200
/ T11 E11 592 592 300 4250 225
/ T12 E12 592 592 300 3400 260
 Pressure drop calculation tool is available

Calcola la perdita di carico

Scegli un filtro intero nella tabella sopra per calcolarne la perdita di carico.
I filtri interi sono generalmente nelle dimensioni 592x592mm per filtri a tasche/a pannello e 610x610mm per filtri HEPA.


Ogni installazione in cui sono fondamentali sicurezza e affidabilità
Plastica stampata, ABS
Fibra di vetro
Temperatura max (°C)
Umidità relativa
Perdita di carico finale raccomandata
600 Pa
Poliuretano preformato in un unico pezzo
Griglia, a valle
Griglia di supporto per media filtrante
Portata massima
1,3 x portata nominale
Classe di resistenza al fuoco: Classe b2 secondo DIN4102 disponibile su richiesta.
Pressione di scoppio: > 6250 Pa continui in condizioni di umido/bagnato.
Versione flusso inverso: Con griglia di supporto disponibile su richiesta.
Informazioni aggiuntive: Disponibile anche in dimensioni 1/2 e 3/4 su richiesta

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A pacific coast energy plant operates corrosion-free with stable output after corrosion tests show the benefits of epa filters

An energy plant on the pacific coast upgrades their Siemens 501F gas turbine filtration to the CamGT 4V-300 air intake filters after tests show its water and salt handling capabilities.

Turbomacchine Case studies

Egat north power generation shifted to camgt filters and saved $1.24m usd in yearly power degradation

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An lng plant with high availability & reliability requirements upgrades to the camgt epa filters

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Turbomacchine Case studies

Retrofit of a thailand offshore air intake filter system improves gas turbine efficiency, reduces engine degradation, optimizes turbine maintenance, and increases uptime with high efficiency filters

Frequent pressure and short filter replacement intervals led to high operational costs. Camfil's Cam-Flo air intake pre-filters and CamGT EPA air filters met their goal of 8000 hours of life and reduced pressure drop by 50%.

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Combined cycle plant installs a camlab on-site for 3 months to test filters & lcc shows $900 000 usd savings over a 6-year timeframe

Egat North, the largest energy producer in Thailand, upgraded to Hi-Flo and CamClose air intake pre-filters as well as CamGT final EPA air filters and lowered degradation by 70%, reduced water wash requirements, and saved approximately $1.24M USD per year.

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Engie midlothian air intake retrofit means no filter change-out for 3 years for 6 alstom gas turbines 

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Soluzioni retrofit per piattaforme offshore

Located offshore Ivory Coast, Africa, the CamGT EPA filter solution saves Foxtrot International 3 shutdowns per year and eliminates salt corrrosion, without compromising on footprint.

Turbomacchine Case studies

Tata power trombay retrofits their filtration system to improve corrosion, pressure drop, and diverter dampers within deadline

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Dalkia power saves €172 000 / season with camfil e10 epa filters

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Turbomacchine Case studies

Prestazioni acustiche di camgt 4v-300

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