camfil cairing
Camfil Cairing is a global Camfil program that demonstates how much we care for the air we breathe and environmental issues through sustainability and corporate social responsibility activities involving employees across all locations and geographies where we operate.
As part of the programme, Camfil branches organise a Cairing Week. For an entire week, we promote community awareness events and internal improvement measures that help create a sustainable world for future generations.
For Cairing Week 2022, we have chosen to donate 3 City M air purifies to Sermig humanitarian organisation, specifically in three of their clinics:
• Dental Practice
• Psychology Clinic Studio
•Infirmary Room
These rooms were selected among others because they are among the busiest. Therefore, the need for air purification is greater than in other environments.
"We are very happy with the City Mpurifiers! Just a few hours after they‘returned on, you actually perceivea different atmosphere inside ourpremises.
Reduction of PM2.5 (μg/m3) of about 65%.
Reduction of PM2.5 (μg/m3) of approximately 30%.
Reduction of PM2.5 (μg/m3) of approximately 80%.