How we help
Aiding our customers in sustainability

Como ajudamos os clientes a se tornarem mais sustentáveis

We are committed to maintaining and strengthening a partnership of trust with our customers. We do this by respecting the highest standards in business ethics, ranging from respect of intellectual property to fair competition and transparency in business affairs. All these principles are stated in our Code of Conduct – the CamfilCairing Code - and apply to all Camfil entities.

Eco-designed products

Our products clean the air with the highest efficiency and the lowest amount of energy possible, and they last longer for reduced maintenance and disposal costs. All in all, customers get a lower total cost of ownership (TCO), which contributes to sustainability: energy savings, reduced carbon footprint and less waste for a sound and green investment in filtration.

Rating systems for air filters

Buyers of air filters in Europe are finding it much easier to select the right air filter for energy efficiency and indoor air quality (IAQ), thanks to the energy efficiency classification system introduced by Eurovent Certita Certification. Filters are now graded from A+ to E.  A+ represents the lowest energy consumption and E the highest.

Sustainable buildings

Green building rating systems like LEED – and sustainability assessment methods like BREEAM – empower those who own, commission, deliver, manage or use buildings to achieve their sustainability objectives. Buildings and facilities are always a long-term investment, with HVAC systems accounting for up to 50 percent of their operating costs, of which 30 percent is air filtration. 

Em caso de dúvidas, entre em contato:
Informações de produtos e aplicações
+55 19  3847 8817
Outras solicitações
+55 19 3847 8810
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