Camfil mede o ar no hornsgatan

Teaming up with qualified air quality specialists and educators in Stockholm, Camfil conducted studies on Sweden's most polluted street. Read more about the event and watch the highlight video below.

For several years, Hornsgatan has been designated Sweden's dirtiest street when it comes to air pollution. Hornsgatan is an exposed street when it comes to harmful particles in the air. The EU standards for particulate matter say that the daily average should not exceed 50 micrograms per cubic meter of air more than 35 times a year. Camfil, along with a qualified team in Stockholm, conducted measurements of the air quality on Hornsgatan. By making custom measurements from within a standard apartment on the street equipped with a new ventilation system, results show that at least one F7-class air filter is needed in surrounding buildings in order to prevent the small, harmful particles entering through the ventilation system and further into apartments and premises.

Watch our case video to learn more!

Camfil measures air on hornsgatan

For several years, Hornsgatan has been designated Sweden's dirtiest street when it comes to air pollution. Watch to learn more about how Camfil is helping in the fight for clean air. 
Created quarta-feira, 9 de fevereiro de 2022
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