Standards & regulations
Protect your employees & the environment

Normen & richtlijnen

Working in a safety or maintenance position within any facility, you are aware of the standards and regulations set by your country’s government in order to protect your employees and the environment from harmful dust, mist and fumes. Camfil’s database of credible people and projects will work with your facility to find the solution that meets your regulations and standards, wherever you are.

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Standard Institutes & Organizations >>

Eurovent 4/21- energieverbruik van luchtfilters

Created dinsdag 18 juni 2024

Eurovent 4/21 helpt u bij het bepalen van de juiste filtratie-efficiëntie voor uw gebouw op basis van de buitenluchtkwaliteit en de activiteiten in uw gebouw.

Normen en richtlijnen

9 vragen over EPD's

Created woensdag 5 juni 2024

Negen vragen over milieuproductverklaringen (EPD's). Beantwoord door Anders Sundvik, Vice President R&D bij Camfil.

Duurzaamheid Luchtkwaliteit Commerciële en openbare gebouwen Normen en richtlijnen

De werkelijke kosten van schone lucht oplossingen

Created maandag 3 juni 2024

Vaak is de eerste aankoopprijs voor luchtfilters of stofafzuigers slechts het topje van de ijsberg. De werkelijke kosten voor energie, onderhoud en afvalverwijdering liggen onder het oppervlak. Om op lange termijn de meest economische beslissing te nemen, zal een gedetailleerde berekening van alle factoren helpen om uw totale uitgaven te beperken.

Food and beverage Life science & gezondheidszorg Duurzaamheid Productie & machinebouw Elektronica & optica Commerciële en openbare gebouwen Normen en richtlijnen

ISO 29461-1:2021 - the first international test standard for turbomachinery filter efficiency & dust holding capacity

Created dinsdag 1 februari 2022

ISO 29461-1 is the first international test standard for reporting the efficiency for the entire range of air intake filters for gas turbines, compressors, and other turbomachinery applications.

Energie & Power Systems Normen en richtlijnen

Eurovent 4/23 - het juiste luchtfilter kiezen

Created donderdag 27 januari 2022

Eurovent 4/23 helpt u bij het bepalen van de juiste filtratie-efficiëntie voor uw gebouw op basis van de buitenluchtkwaliteit en de activiteiten in uw gebouw.

Normen en richtlijnen


Created donderdag 1 april 2021

The most important task for a filter is to reduce the amount of particles and pollutants in the ventilation air, but you can also reduce your energy costs if you look at which filters you have in the property by looking at the life cycle cost.

Duurzaamheid Normen en richtlijnen

Camfil ProSafe 

Created woensdag 1 mei 2019

Some processes are more sensitive than others. If you work in the food and beverage or life science industries, you know how tough the demands on clean air are. To be sure you have the right filter, look for the ProSafe symbol.

Food and beverage Life science & gezondheidszorg Normen en richtlijnen

Camfil welcomes clean air strategy's focus on IAQ

Created woensdag 1 mei 2019

Following the launch of the UK government's Clean Air Strategy 2019, Camfil welcomes its recognition of the effect of Indoor Air Quality on people's health.

Normen en richtlijnen

Global moves aim to strengthen IAQ

Created woensdag 1 mei 2019

Two important international initiatives are set to impact on filtration in the home and at work to protect occupants from poor indoor air quality (IAQ). Whether small or large, the end product of our air filters is clean air.

Luchtreinigers Luchtkwaliteit Normen en richtlijnen

Chris Ecob on ISO 16890

Created woensdag 1 mei 2019

Chris Ecob, our IAQ expert, introduces the new ISO 16890 standard for testing and classification of air filters and offers interesting perspectives on the benefits for specifiers and users of filters.

Take a Breath Normen en richtlijnen

PM1 - the new focus to protect human health

Created woensdag 1 mei 2019

Ambient air quality has improved considerably in the last few decades by a range of measures. However, there is convincing evidence that current levels of air pollution still pose a considerable risk to human health.

Take a Breath Normen en richtlijnen

Camfil welcomes ISO 16890

Created woensdag 1 mei 2019

This standard provides the first opportunity for global harmonisation as it proceeds to replace the two existing localised standards; ASHRAE 52.2 which is dominant in USA and EN779:2012 which is dominant in Europe.

Take a Breath Normen en richtlijnen

What is PM1?

Created woensdag 1 mei 2019

Humans eat 1kg of food each day, drink 2,5 kg of fluids and breathe more than 15kg of air per day. We take care about the food we eat and the water that we drink, but rarely do we consider the air we breath. Find out more with our Take A Breath infographics.

Take a Breath Normen en richtlijnen

Global food safety guideline webinar

Created woensdag 1 mei 2019

In 2019 the BRCGS released a revision to their Global Food Safety Guideline. In this revision the requirements for Indoor air Quality and Air filtration have been expanded to give a clearer understanding of what is needed to pass BRCGS audits

Normen en richtlijnen

Eurovent 2019

Created woensdag 1 mei 2019

The new Eurovent Classification is defined in Rating Standard RS4/C/001-2019 and covers all products in the scope of the Eurovent Certified Performance programme for Air Filters rated at 0.944 m3/s as nominal airflow.

Normen en richtlijnen

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