If you work in the field of electronics and optics, you understand just how small particles can truly be. Air filtration technology is considered important in this industry because sub-micron particles and gases can contaminate the lithography processes, shorting the circuits and rendering the manufactured product useless.
Camfil understands your need in delivering flawless electronics like TV screens, computers and hard drives to your customers, but we also understand your microcircuits can contain thousands of transistors would fit on the head of a pin!
CamCarb XG Ontworpen voor energie- en onderhoudskostenbesparingen in toepassingen voor moleculaire verontreinigingscontrole
Food and beverage Commerciële en openbare gebouwen Elektronica & opticaVaak is de eerste aankoopprijs voor luchtfilters of stofafzuigers slechts het topje van de ijsberg. De werkelijke kosten voor energie, onderhoud en afvalverwijdering liggen onder het oppervlak. Om op lange termijn de meest economische beslissing te nemen, zal een gedetailleerde berekening van alle factoren helpen om uw totale uitgaven te beperken.
Food and beverage Life science & gezondheidszorg Normen en richtlijnen Duurzaamheid Productie & machinebouw Commerciële en openbare gebouwen Elektronica & opticaCorrosie wordt meestal pas herkend als het te laat is, wat resulteert in schade die voorkomen had kunnen worden. Camfil's AirImage-COR corrosie controle monitor meet onmiddellijk corrosieve gassen in de lucht om aan te geven wanneer luchtfilters moeten worden vervangen om gevoelige elektronische apparatuur te beschermen en waardevolle bezittingen te bewaren.
Dealing with airborne odours, toxins and gases can be a big challenge. Learn about how Molecular Contamination Control and how it can protect against the harmful effects of these airborne contaminants.
Corrosion of electronic process control equipment can cause disruptions in production leading to lower productivity and lower profitability - this can be expensive to fix.
CamCarb VG modules with loose-fill media are robust solutions suited for make-up air (outdoor air) and recirculation air systems. The primary use is the control of acidic gases that are responsible for the corrosion of electronics and electrical equipment in heavy process industries such as pulp and paper mills, petrochemical refineries, mining and metal refining operations, and wastewater treatment plants.
Air filters in data centres offer a host of solid business benefits in a whole range of different applications, but one of their most impressive uses is in data centres. They raise energy efficiency and lower energy bills along with providing healthy work environment.
The new Absolute V HEPA range of air filters is all about making your life simpler, safer and more eco friendly. This is achieved by offering you filters that are extremely light-weight, robust and easy to handle. Filters that provide world-leading protection for your operations.
Some of the effects of corrosion include a significant deterioration of natural and historic monuments. Air pollution causes corrosion, and it’s becoming worse worldwide. Learn how to protect your equipment.
To remain operational, data centres must be cooled to a specific temperature, and the physical equipment must be protected from the elements to avoid costly breakdowns. How can Camfil help you achieve the right temperature?