Recent studies suggest indoor air quality (IAQ) and productivity of employees are related factors. Healthy air quality directly contributes to the performance of staff.
Better air quality translates to fewer pollutants in the air and more oxygen. Improved oxygen flow to the brain results in better cognitive performance, while symptoms of oxygen deprivation include a decline in cognition. Understanding the relationship between the two topics will help employers improve both air quality and the health and performance of their employees.
De kwaliteit van de lucht die we inademen heeft een enorme invloed op onze gezondheid en ons welzijn. Het nemen van maatregelen om slechte IAQ te bewaken, te begrijpen en er rekening mee te houden is een van de belangrijkste commerciële overwegingen waar managers van gebouwen en faciliteiten vandaag de dag mee te maken hebben. Luister naar onze Clean Air Experts om te leren hoe.
Luchtreinigers LuchtkwaliteitMet behulp van Camfil Life Cycle Cost (LCC) Analysis software, kunnen Camfil experts een vergelijkende analyse uitvoeren van verschillende luchtfilters om een uitgebreid rapport te geven over mogelijke besparingen.
Take a Breath Duurzaamheid Luchtkwaliteit Commerciële en openbare gebouwenNegen vragen over milieuproductverklaringen (EPD's). Beantwoord door Anders Sundvik, Vice President R&D bij Camfil.
Lenteallergieën kunnen uw leven overnemen - leer hoe luchtzuiveringsoplossingen kunnen helpen
Processen in productiefaciliteiten genereren vaak stof en dampen die bijvoorbeeld gezondheidsrisico's kunnen opleveren voor uw operators of de kwaliteit en veiligheid van uw producten in gevaar kunnen brengen. Het bepalen van de juiste afvang- en filtratieoplossing helpt bij het beschermen tegen de belangrijkste risico's van ongecontroleerde emissies en dus bij het creëren van veilige werkomgevingen.
In cold winter months, our energy and heat needs increase as the temperature drops outside. The sudden temperature change can lead to a sharp increase in pollution levels in the outdoor air. In addition, the cold itself means that we spend even more time indoors, which brings us closer to each other. Many don't understand how it affects us and our indoor environment.
Door de juiste voorfilterstrategie te kiezen, kunt u de prestaties van uw ventilatiesysteem optimaliseren en uw impact op het milieu verminderen.
The wastewater undergoes a long process at Middelfart Wastewater, where the wastewater is treated and at the end of the process it eventually becomes purified water which is then released to the sea surrounding Middelfart. In addition, the byproducts biogas is converted to electricity and heat as well as bio-fertilizer that is being used on farmers’ fields.
Music City Center in Nashville, TN - Hi-Flo ES MERV 13A Air Filters Installed throughout Event Center Improved Indoor Air Quality and Lowered Filter-Related Costs by 34% & Labor Hours by 80%
Molecular Contamination Control (MCC) products remove molecules, gases and vapours from the air that cannot be captured using ordinary particle filters. Molecules are typically 1,000 to 10,000 times smaller than the most penetrating particles that pass through HEPA and ULPA filters.
Dealing with airborne odours, toxins and gases can be a big challenge. Learn about how Molecular Contamination Control and how it can protect against the harmful effects of these airborne contaminants.
The benefits of clean air in your warehouse and logistics center is a competitive advantage in the hectic logistics industry. In a clean production environment, there is less downtime, lower energy costs, lower environmental impact and healthier employees, and of course a cleaner and flawless product to send out to the customer.
Read the report from the University College of Dublin (UCD) as they evaluate the effectiveness of the City M unit in poorly ventilated environments
CamCarb VG modules with loose-fill media are robust solutions suited for make-up air (outdoor air) and recirculation air systems. The primary use is the control of acidic gases that are responsible for the corrosion of electronics and electrical equipment in heavy process industries such as pulp and paper mills, petrochemical refineries, mining and metal refining operations, and wastewater treatment plants.
Protecting employees from harmful pathogens and creating an ambient workplace environment using air purifiers
Dance Studios - Improving the air quality and protecting teachers and students
GO fit Sports Centers were forced to close all its centers in March 2020 when the state of emergency was announced in Spain to tackle the COVID-19 pandemic. Ingesport Group the parent company of the GO fit brand, contacted us to provide a comprehensive solution to reduce the risks of airborne transmission and infection, facilitating a safer indoor environment.
the technical service department at Deventer hospital received complaints several times a year about unwanted diesel odours in different parts of the hospital building. Headaches was one the key problem among the laboratory staff. In operating rooms, the problem was significant because the air is circulated directly from the exhaust vent onto the operating table.
Compass Transport has a storage capacity of 12,000 square meter, where both long term pallet storage and order pickups take place. Since April 2019, the new storage centre in Hardenberg is in use. During the construction of this new centre, Compass Transport took the topic of dust and filtration into the engineering & implementation stage.
Clean air plays an imperative role in the life science, healthcare and pharmaceutical process chain. Many studies have inferred that in moderate levels of air pollution the damage to human health is irreversible. In the life science industry where biological life or living organisms are at play, it is vital to maintain utmost hygiene along with superior indoor air quality. Camfil’s high-efficiency air filtration solutions are used by many global life science industry specialists in cleanrooms, production areas, and laboratories, including many global biosafety labs around the world.
In a scientific debate, WHO has acknowledged that in the case of COVID-19, airborne transmission could not be ruled out in crowded, closed or poorly ventilated settings. Scientists across the world are looking for more evidence as it may affect many guidelines in the crowded indoor environment.
Air quality recommendations for viruses. How to improve your indoor air quality and protect your staff from the spread of viruses
Air quality in your office is important to protecting the health of your employees. Poor air quality can lead to an increased transmission of viruses between employees which can lead to lower productivity and increased sick days in your office
Air quality has always been an important factor for hotels, whether it has been removing odours from kitchen extracts to ensuring a clean environment by reducing particulate levels.
Air quality recommendations for gyms
Air quality in meat processing facilities is often the forgotten ingredient within their facility. Did you know that Meat processing factories are susceptible to the spread of airborne viruses and microbes? The temperature and humidity requirements along with the production processes lend to the survival of airborne microbes and viruses. This means that the airborne viruses can survive longer in the air than in other facilities.
Reduce fallow time between patients with our dental HEPA air purifiers. Removes contaminants created during dental procedures
Every business depends on its surrounding environment and understanding the needs truly depends on identifying the problems. One fact that will remain unchanged even after the COVID-19 pandemic storm settles is that 'air travels'. It is important to highlight the potential risks surrounding the business such as air pollution.
We have gathered the most frequently asked questions about the Coronavirus (COVID-19) and filtration.
The new Absolute V HEPA range of air filters is all about making your life simpler, safer and more eco friendly. This is achieved by offering you filters that are extremely light-weight, robust and easy to handle. Filters that provide world-leading protection for your operations.
Combating the virus in the air. Maintaining a good level of hygiene and covering the mouth with a mask are good ways to stay protected but is this enough? Maintaining a hygienic and sanitary environment along with protection from those infected are vital as the virus thrives in contaminated conditions.
As temperatures plummet and winter weather starts to bite, heating systems are switched on. Well insulated, airtight modern houses are highly efficient at retaining this warmth, but they also keep in less welcome things such as fumes from central heating systems, wood burners and open fires.
A Life Cycle Costing (LCC) analysis proved the Camfil Durafil filter operated at a 24% lower energy cost per year than the Viledon T-60. The Camfil product would save the customer $14 per filter per year versus the alternative.
City M, equipped with particulate and molecular filters, delivers a healthier indoor environment by removing dust, contaminants and harmful particles in department stores, offices, schools, hospitals and homes.
Camfil partnered with Stockholm School of Economics in order to bring clean air for optimal breathing during the world record attempt for most hours on a double pole ski machine.
The reason understanding SBS is important is a majority of adults spend a minimum of eight hours a day inside an office or work building, and most are indoor for about 90 percent of the time they are awake.
It's important for us to understand how the air we breathe can affect our long-term health. That's especially true when it comes to office air quality, since most adults spend at least eight hours in these enclosed areas.
Although there are engineering standards that recommend levels of air filtration for airplanes, there is no federal requirement for airplanes to install air filters. Cabins may not be filtered or cleaned in any way.
Two important international initiatives are set to impact on filtration in the home and at work to protect occupants from poor indoor air quality (IAQ). Whether small or large, the end product of our air filters is clean air.
75 attendees. Seven noted speakers. Four professors. One mission – to discuss the importance of indoor air quality (IAQ). On Monday, September 5, 2017, Camfil AB and Trosa Kommun hosted a full day forum on IAQ.
For several years, Hornsgatan has been designated Sweden's dirtiest street when it comes to air pollution. Hornsgatan is an exposed street when it comes to harmful particles in the air. How does this affect residents?
We willen genieten van de lente en de natuur is ongetwijfeld goed voor ons. We houden van onze huisdieren en willen graag een fris huis! Luchtreinigers voor in huis zijn een geweldige oplossing.
Exposure to poor air quality is bad for your health and well-being, limiting this exposure can help prevent its impact.
Air pollution is not a new problem. The London smog of 1952 killed an estimated 12,000 people, and in response to it, a Clean Air Act was passed in the UK to combat air pollution. View our infographic to learn more about the risks.
The Swedish government will step up measures to improve the indoor environment in Swedish housing. Enhancing professional competence will be the platform. Better ventilation and filtration technology will be the means.
We all know that air pollution is bad for human health. A much less known fact is that new research indicates that the smallest particles in the air are the most dangerous.
Cold weather and winter holidays make the warm, entertaining confines of a museum an attractive prospect. To keep the contents of these artefact filled buildings in good condition, preserving often decades of history.
Air contamination consist of particles, gases and vapours that may reduce the well-being and health of humans and decrese the output and efficiency of production processes.
Studies suggest that indoor air quality and productivity of employees are related. Healthy air quality directly contributes to the performance of staff. In this article, we help define solutions to improve your current IAQ.
We often discuss solutions for keeping the air inside our workplaces clean from pollutants. But during the holiday season, we have the unique ability to spend time away from work and at home with families.