Handte EM Profi

The Handte EM Profi collects coolant mist from low speed/low pressure machining processes in shops and manufacturing environments.

  • Modular, user-friendly design to provide a high-end solution for high-efficiency emulsion (coolant) mist separation
  • The highest available collection efficiencies, plus the ability to run "24/7" for reduced maintenance, service ease and lower operating costs
  • No Leaks - guaranteed. German engineering and American manufacturing expertise result in premium quality products. We guarantee that our mist collectors will not leak
  • Multi-stage Filtration - We consistently achieve high separation performance by designing our filter materials to meet specific needs or to handle a given droplet spectrum. We do this through optimized, flow-engineered, multistage design


Handles the heaviest loads encountered in the industry to clean up contaminants generated during milling, drilling, tapping, turning, grinding and other machining processes that utilize emulsion mist coolants
Modular Design: Minimum space requirement, maximum performance. System can be expanded in the future as needed. Short delivery time. Easy transport and installation
Basic Modules: Ground/platform versions with optional return pump station (for recirculating separated fluids). Filter module (contains main and final filter).Connection box for use with an external fan. Connection can be on left, right or rear side. Built-in fan in compact design enclosure with integrated sound insulation. Top mount fan

Articles related to EM Profi

"Airplane jet Engines don't use filters, so why should I?"

"airplane jet engines don't use filters, so why should i?"

To answer this question, let's look at the difference between a land based gas turbine and a jet engine.

Energy and Power Systems

Watch and learn

If you are looking to expand your knowledge on the impact of air filtration on your gas turbines and other turbomachinery, look no more!

Education and experience Energy and Power Systems

Keeping the information superhighway clear

Air filters in data centres offer a host of solid business benefits in a whole range of different applications, but one of their most impressive uses is in data centres. They raise energy efficiency and lower energy bills along with providing healthy work environment.

Electronics and optics


Welding, grinding and laser/plasma cutting processes produce huge amounts of fine PM1 particles and various harmful gases that cannot be removed from the indoor air by ventilation alone.

Manufacturing and machinery Air quality

Infographic: how advanced filtration reduces carbon output

Read this infographic and discover: How gas turbines can play a positive role in the future energy mix; How gas turbines can improve their efficiency and carbon intensity; How you can burn less fuel and thus reduce emissions; The amount of CO2 a clean engine emits vs a fouled engine; and Static filter vs. Pulse filer features that reduce emissions

Energy and Power Systems

Camfil measures air on hornsgatan

For several years, Hornsgatan has been designated Sweden's dirtiest street when it comes to air pollution. Hornsgatan is an exposed street when it comes to harmful particles in the air. How does this affect residents?

Case studies Air quality

Gas turbine filter testing

The test rig has been calibrated according to standards EN 779, ISO 16890 and ASHRAE 52.2 and was developed for air filter testing simulating the harsh climate conditions where gas turbines are often located.

Education and experience

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