Colder climates bring the added challenges of heavy snow and frost. Icing on filters can cause high pressure drop, and ice at the bell mouth can cause foreign object damage.
Coastal and tropical climates present the added risk of water ingress. Soluble particulate carry-over increases the risk of fouling and corrosion, especially if salt is present. Multi-stage, built-in drainage and final hydrophobic EPA filtration is recommended.
In dry, coarse dust environments, maintaining low pressure drop and long filter life are key to increasing availability. When sites are also challenged with fine particulates, salt or corrosive contaminants, combined systems offer improved protection.
Industrial and urban sites endure fine corrosive particulates from combustion and industrial processes. Low-pressure, multi-stage EPA filtration is recommended as it will prevent fine particulates from fouling the compressor, maintaining its optimal performance.
In rural and agricultural sites, turbines require protection from seasonal contaminants and small particles. Fouling is caused by particles under 1 micron and even in apparently clean environments, EPA filtration is a must-have performance booster.
The newest pulse technology for the 21st century, TurboPulse takes a modern approach to filter design with many new features engineered to improve filter life and pulse performance for turbomachinery.
Energy and Power SystemsFor the first time, there is a GT-specific filter efficiency standard. Discover how ISO29461-1 can help you select the right filters for any turbomachinery application.
Energy and Power Systems Standard and regulations