Select the right air filtration solution using life cycle cost

The most important task for an air filter is to reduce the number of particles and pollutants in the ventilation air and to provide a high quality of indoor air (IAQ). Low energy consumption should never be prioritized over efficient air filtration and good air quality. However, these two are not mutually exclusive. High indoor air quality with significant energy savings is possible to achieve if you carefully evaluate the overall performance of the air filters installed in your property.

We are all aware that air pollution can cause serious health issues. There is evidence and connections related to health effects such as asthma, lung cancer, ventricular hypertrophy, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's disease, psychological complications, autism, retinopathy, fetal growth, and low birth weight. It is important to have a reliable source for clean air and making the right choice when selecting air filtration solutions is the first step to achieving that. The most important task in selecting an air filter is to reduce particles and pollutants from the indoor environment.

The first step is to find out what degree of particle removal is required. This can be done by consulting air quality professionals experienced in your particular field, a review of case studies that mimic your situation or your own internal analysis. After gaining an understanding of what needs to be removed from the air, you should consult ASHRAE 52.2 with Appendix J to select the corresponding MERV-A value or ISO 16890 to determine which ePM filter will achieve your indoor air quality goals.  Both ASHRAE 52.2 with Appendix J and ISO 16890 rate air filters based upon their particle removal efficiency throughout their entire service life.
Hur mycket energi kan du spara med rätt filter?


To keep pressure drop as low as possible and save energy costs within the different filter classes, the filter's construction/design of the air filter is of utmost importance. Increasing the amount of filter media, choosing the right media, and optimizing the shape of the bags or media pack results in lower pressure drop.

For example, a diagram of a bag filter shows the design of pockets is conical in shape which prevents them from blowing together and blocking the filter surface. This design promotes airflow, reduces pressure drop which lowers energy consumption. This is done without compromising the particle capture efficiency of the filter (degree of separation).

Skillnaden på runda filterpåsar mot koniskt sydda filterpåsar

Important things to consider:

  1. Select filter according to desired filtration class/requirement
  2. Choose the filter that gives the lowest energy impact
Se hur mycket pengar du kan spara genom att välja rätt filter
Designing a filter with increased media area and configuring it into a shape designed to lower pressure drop has an additional benefit beyond energy savings. When every square inch of the air filter’s media is exposed to airflow, there are more avenues for air to pass through the media which lowers pressure drop. This also means there is more media area available to accomplish particle removal. This increases the dirt holding capacity of the filter which directly equates to longer service life.

When the various component costs of operating an air filter are added together, the "total cost of ownership" of a filter is revealed. Comparing the operating cost of an air filter together with its MERV-A or ISO 16890 particle capture value, allows a filter to be selected that supplies the specific air quality that’s required at the lowest total cost of ownership.

Life Cycle Cost - Total Cost of Ownership modeling software

Life cycle cost determines the user's total cost of ownership for the entire service life of an air filter.
Hur man räknar ut energianvändning
If you want to learn more about the importance of good filtration and the different techniques and solutions that are available, you are welcome to sign up for our monthly newsletter.

TOOL for calculating Air Filter LIFE CYCLE COST

Camfil has developed a tool for calculating and analyzing total cost of ownership of an air filter known as Life Cycle Cost (LCC). This software accurately models all performance and cost aspects of not just our filters but most competitive filters as well. We are happy to help you with your calculations and share support in selecting the right air filtration product. 
Contact your local Camfil office and we will help you further. 

Testa vårt verktyg CFSS för att räkna ut din LCC
Created Monday, March 15, 2021
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