Przegląd i serwis
Dla odpylaczy suchych, mokrych i separatorów mgły

Przegląd i serwis urządzeń odpylających

Dust, fume and mist collectors are necessary safety systems in many manufacturing and processing plants. But if they are not designed, installed and maintained properly, these extraction systems themselves can cause serious problems. To make sure your dust extraction systems are up to the tasks of keeping workers safe, maximising production uptime and meeting regulatory compliance, Camfil offers a wide range of services.

To ensure that your extraction systems run smoothly and as efficiently as possible throughout their entire service life, we offer tailor-made service solutions in the following areas with the Camfil AirCair™ customer service program:

  • Service: Functional and performance testing of your extraction system
  • Safety Inspection: For ATEX units it is mandatory to have an annual safety inspection
  • Maintenance: Maintenance and repair of industrial extraction systems
  • Spare Parts Supply: High-quality components from our own production or from certified partners
  • Replacement Filters: For all Camfil dust collectors and mist separators
  • Retrofit Filters: High-quality cartridge & flat plate filter elements available to retrofit the most common dust collectors on the market
  • Accessories: Components for the individual adaptation or upgrade of your extraction systems 

For more information about our service & maintenance offering for industrial extraction systems please call your local sales office.

Dlaczego ważne jest regularne serwisowanie urządzeń odpylających?

Tylko prawidłowo serwisowany i wyregulowany system odciągowy pozwala niezawodnie chronić pracowników, procesy i maszyny, a także środowisko przed szkodliwymi emisjami.

Potencjalna lista zagrożeń i problemów jakie mogą wystąpić w przypadku braku należytej konserwacji:

  • Nieplanowane przestoje systemów odpylania
  • Przerwy produkcyjne spowodowane awarią odpylaczy i tym samym utrata sprzedaży
  • Niższa jakość produkcji z powodu zanieczyszczenia powietrza w obszarze produkcyjnym
  • Nieprzestrzeganie lokalnych wytycznych dotyczących bezpieczeństwa i higieny pracy
  • Kosztowne remonty i naprawy awaryjne
  • Zwiększona liczba zwolnień lekarskich pracowników z powodu złej jakości powietrza

Regularne przeglądy pozwalają uniknąć uszkodzeń twojego systemu odpylania

Korzyści programu serwisowego AirCair™ firmy Camfil:

  • Dłuższe i bezproblemowe działanie Twojego systemu
  • Ograniczenie przestojów twojego systemu odpylania
  • Increased process reliability for more profitability
  • Optimal and consistent separation efficiency
  • Extended service life of wear parts and filter elements
  • Lower maintenance and repair costs
  • The technical staff can take care of the core business in your production
  • Compliance with health, safety and environmental regulations
  • Maintenance by special trained staff with the necessary equipment
  • Detailed status reports on your extraction systems

Camfil AirCair™ oferuje indywidualne umowy serwisowe odpowiednie dla systemów odciągowych

With Camfil AirCair™ you ensure a safe, efficient, reliable and cost-saving extraction of the process exhaust air so that you can focus on your core business without worries.

We offer the following service contracts*:

  • Filter change incl. Bag-In-Bag-Out (BIBO) safe change system
  • Service inspection and functional testing for Camfil extraction systems and selected other manufactures
  • ATEX safety inspection of Camfil´s extraction equipment and selected other systems
  • Complete maintenance, including repairs to the extraction systems and their peripherals, such as ductwork
  • Testing of the central suction system
  • Testing of dust samples with regard to filtration properties and explosiveness
  • Conformity assessment of extraction systems with regard to health, safety and environmental regulations
  • Personal support from our trained aftermarket team as well as local service technicans

* Offered services may vary depending on location. Please consultant you local Camfil representative for more information.

Filtry zamienne do odpylaczy przemysłowych

Camfil offers a wide range of high-quality filter cartridges and filter plates in different length and diameters as well as with different flanges and gasket options. This allows a direct-fit replacement of the current used filters of the most common dust extraction systems on the market such as Donaldson, Keller, AAF, Nederman, Kemper, Plymovent, Dustcheck, ESTA, Kappa, WAM, Mahle and many more.

To learn more about Camfil´s offering for replacement filters visit our landing page.

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+48 42 655 94 10
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