Materiały filtracyjne do odpylaczy przemysłowych
Systemy odpylania są ważną częścią każdego procesu produkcyjnego, dlatego muszą być odpowiednio dobrane i zaprojektowane. Jednym z krytycznych elementów projektu jest określenie odpowiednich mediów filtracyjnych, co wymaga analizy pyłu procesowego i wszystkich warunków pracy.
Twój odpylacz jest tak wydajny, jak jego wkłady filtracyjne, co sprawia, że wybór filtra ma kluczowe znaczenie. Odpylacze należy wyposażyć w wkłady filtracyjne przystosowane do konkretnej aplikacji i rodzaju pyłu. Na przykład, twoja aplikacja może wymagać medium pokrytego powłokami, które sprzyjają uwalnianiu pyłu, są niepalne lub przewodzące.
Używanie niewłaściwych filtrów może narazić pracowników na potencjalne ryzyko lub generować duże opory na filtrach i tym samym wysokie koszty energii. Nieefektywna filtracja może również prowadzić do powstawania osadów pyłu, stwarzając ryzyko wybuchu. Używanie odpowiednich mediów filtracyjnych tworzy bezpieczniejsze i czystsze środowisko pracy, a także zmniejsza częstotliwość konserwacji odpylacza.
Pięć czynników, które należy wziąć pod uwagę w odniesieniu do pyłu i procesu:
Włókno celulozowe i Spunbond/Syntetyczne to dwa podstawowe typy mediów filtracyjnych najczęściej stosowanych w naszych wkładach filtracyjnych.
The base material of Camfil´s standard filter elements is a proprietary fibre blend of cellulose and paper, what maximises dust holding capacity and promote dust release when pulse cleaned. Camfil´s medias are developed to provide the lowest pressure drop, longest service life and highest filtration efficiencies. The media can be treated to provide different properties which allows the handling of various dust types from different industrial processes.
Proprietary blend of cellulose fibres and polyester fibers for optimum dust release characteristics yielding long service life at high filtration efficiencies (colour: green). This media is used where dust is not explosive. We construct this media into our range of HemiPleat green filters.
Types of dust & fume (non explosive):
Typcial applications:
Proprietary blend of cellulose and polyester fibres, additionally treated with flame retardant properties. This media is used where dust is typically not explosive but in processes where sparks might be generated (colour: white). We construct this media into our range of HemiPleat flame retardant filters.
Types of dust & fume:
Typical applications:
Proprietary blend of cellulose and polyester fibres, treated with flame retardant properties and additionally impregnated with carbon fibres for static dissipation (colour: black). Due to the antistatic properties this media is selected when working with potentially explosive dusts. We use this media to construct our HemiPleat FR carbon range of filters.
Types of dust & fume:
Typical applications:
Standard Green + surface layer of nanofibre to yield the market’s most superior filtration and cleanability (colour: white/green). This media is used where dust is not explosive. We construct this media into our range of HemiPleat eXtreme green filters. The nanofibre layer helps to increase efficiency and the media is certified to dust class "M" in accordance to EN 60335-2-69. This media can help to reduce your emissions where that it is critical to your process.
Types of dust & fume (non explosive):
Typcial applications:
Blend of cellulose and polyester fibres with a surface layer of nanofibres, additionally treated with flame retardant properties. This media is used where dust is typically not explosive but in processes where sparks might be generated (colour: white). The nanofibre layer helps to increase efficiency and the media is certified to dust class "M" in accordance to EN 60335-2-69. This media can help to reduce your emissions where that it is critical to your process. We use this media to construct our HemiPleat eXtreme flame retardant range of filters.
Types of dust & fume:
Typical applications:
Proprietary blend of cellulose and polyester fibres with an additional layer of nanofibres, treated with flame retardant properties and impregnated with carbon fibres for static dissipation (colour: black). Due to the antistatic properties and the nanofibre layer this media is selected when working with potentially explosive and very fine dusts. The nanofibre layer helps to increase efficiency and the media is certified to dust class "M" in accordance to EN 60335-2-69. This media can help to reduce your emissions where that it is critical to your process. We use this media to construct our HemiPleat eXtreme FR carbon range of filters.
Types of dust & fume:
Typical applications:
Light-weight spun bond polyester media with layer of nanofibre (colour: white). This media is used where dust is not explosive. We construct this media into our range of HemiPleat eXtreme synthetic filters. The nanofibre layer helps to increase efficiency and the media is certified to dust class "M" in accordance to EN 60335-2-69. This media can help to reduce your emissions where that it is critical to your process.
Types of dust & fume (non explosive):
Typcial applications:
Basic spunbonded polyester with no treatments, heavy-duty and durable media (colour: white). Dura-Pleat standard media combines the best of both worlds: the high efficiency of pleated media and the versatility of synthetic materials. Filter elements with Dura-Pleat technology capture and release more pollutants when pulse-cleaned, resulting in a safer, cleaner work environment with less maintenance and provide lowest pressure drop. The media is certified to dust class "M" in accordance to EN 60335-2-69. This media can help to reduce your emissions where it is critical to your process.
Types of dust & fume (non explosive):
Typcial applications:
Our basic spunbonded polyester Dura-Pleat media coated with an oil and water repellent finish (colour: white).
Types of dust & fume (non explosive):
Typcial applications:
The basis of this media is again our spunbonded polyester Dura-Pleat, applied with a conductive aluminised surface finish for static dissipation (colour: silver/white). Due to the antistatic properties this media is selected when working with potentially explosive and very fine dusts. The media is certified to dust class "M" in accordance to EN 60335-2-69 and can help to reduce the emissions where that it is critical to your process. We use this media to construct our range of Dura-Pleat DPA range of filter elements.
Types of dust & fume:
Typical applications:
Dura-Pleat spunbonded polyester media with a laminated PTFE membrane for very high efficiencies of fine particulate and superior dust cake release (colour: white). Due to the PTFE membrane surface layer this media is selected when working with sticky or very fine dusts or fumes (not to be used when there is oil content in the dirty air). The media is certified to dust class "M" in accordance to EN 60335-2-69 and can help to reduce the emissions where it is critical to your process. We use this media to construct our range of Dura-Pleat DPT range of filter elements.
Types of dust & fume:
Typical applications:
Spundbonded polyester media with a very smooth PTFE membrane laminated onto the surface. The carbon impregnation ensures antistatic properties when working with potentially explosive dusts (colour: grey/black). Due to the PTFE membrane surface layer this media is selected when working with sticky or very fine dusts or fumes (not to be used when there is oil content in the dirty air). The media is certified to dust class "M" in accordance to EN 60335-2-69 and can help to reduce the emissions where it is critical to your process. We use this media to construct our range of Dura-Pleat DPTC range of filter elements.
Types of dust & fume:
Typical applications:
Dura-Pleat spunbonded polyester media which combines an aluminium coating together with oil and moisture repellent properties (colour: white/silver). Due to the antistatic properties this media is selected when working with potentially explosive and very fine or sticky dusts. The media is certified to dust class "M" in accordance to EN 60335-2-69 and can help to reduce the emissions where that it is critical to your process. We use this media to construct our range of Dura-Pleat DPOA range of filter elements.
Types of dust & fume:
Typical applications:
Spundbonded polyester media with a very smooth PTFE membrane laminated onto the surface and an aluminium coating for static disipation when working with potentially explosive dusts (not good for oil contaminated air / colour: white/silver). The media is certified to dust class "M" in accordance to EN 60335-2-69 and can help to reduce the emissions where it is critical to your process. We use this media to construct our range of Dura-Pleat DPTA range of filter elements.
Types of dust & fume:
Typical applications:
Cartridge filters for dust and fume extraction equipment are required to meet the relevant Standard EN 60335-2-69 to the latest revision. Camfil Hemipleat Extreme and Dura-Pleat media types are all tested independently in accordance with the standard to Dust class “M”. This means they are 99.9% efficient tested with particles between 0.2 and 2 microns.
This eBook outlines five factors you should take into consideration about your dust and your process when determining the right filter media.