AirCair turbo services
Taking care of your air

AirCair Turbo Services: taking care of your air


Turbomachinery engines can ingest thousands of tons of air each day. Air quality changes over time and harmful contaminants in that air can foul your engines, corrode critical components and degrade engine performance. That means you get reduced power output and lose millions of dollars in lost revenue. So, it is critical to understand what’s in the ambient air around your assets so you can ensure your filtration system is keeping them safe.

Improve your existing system or define the optimal new investment
That’s where our AirCair™ Turbo Services come in. We deliver expertise and insights built on a worldwide network of filtration experts and predictive analytics tools that pull from decades of real-world historical data. Our team will work closely with you to improve existing systems or help define the optimal solution for new investments using our AirCair Services, educational programs like Test & Learn Events, and proprietary Life Cycle Cost (LCC) Analysis tool.

We help along the entire airflow path

Our AirCair Turbo Services help along the entire path of airflow through your turbines… from analysing the ambient air coming in, to selecting the most cost-effective air intake solutions, validating the performance of your existing system and confirming the cleanliness of your engines. We take care of your air so you can breathe easy knowing that your turbomachinery assets are operating at peak  performance with minimal downtime.

AirCair Turbo Services

Predictive analytics services

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System performance services

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Filter performance services

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Clean air services

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Education & Life Cycle Cost (LCC) analysis

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