CamCube AC

  • For Compact filters (box type) full size 595x595x292mm
  • Build-in thermal insulation
  • Corrosivity class C4 for Aluzinc housing material
  • Leakage class C acc. EN 15727
  • Easy maintenance
  • Optional rail for prefilter panels
  • ICON24 magicad
Item Type Width (mm) Height (mm) Depth (mm)
CamCube AC-L 0505 392 392 700
CamCube AC-L 0510 392 692 700
CamCube AC-L 1510 992 692 700
CamCube AC-L 1515 992 992 700
CamCube AC-L 1520 992 1292 700
CamCube AC-L 1530 992 1892 700
CamCube AC-L 2010 1292 692 700
CamCube AC-L 2015 1292 992 700
CamCube AC-L 2020 1292 1292 700
CamCube AC-L 2025 1292 1592 700
CamCube AC-L 2030 1292 1892 700
CamCube AC-L 3010 1892 692 700
CamCube AC-L 1020 692 1292 700
CamCube AC-L 1015 692 992 700
CamCube AC-L 1005 692 392 700
CamCube AC-L 1010 692 692 700
CamCube AC-L 1030 692 1892 700
CamCube AC-L 1025 692 1592 700
CamCube AC-S 0505 392 392 460
CamCube AC-S 0510 392 692 460
CamCube AC-S 1005 692 392 460
CamCube AC-S 1010 692 692 460
CamCube AC-S 1015 692 992 460
CamCube AC-S 1020 692 1292 460
CamCube AC-S 1025 692 1592 460
CamCube AC-S 1030 692 1892 460
CamCube AC-S 1510 992 692 460
CamCube AC-S 1515 992 992 460
CamCube AC-S 1520 992 1292 460
CamCube AC-S 1525 992 1592 460
CamCube AC-S 1530 992 1892 460
CamCube AC-S 2010 1292 692 460
CamCube AC-S 2015 1292 992 460
CamCube AC-S 2020 1292 1292 460
CamCube AC-S 2025 1292 1592 460
CamCube AC-S 2030 1292 1892 460
CamCube AC-L 3020 1892 1292 700
CamCube AC-L 3030 1892 1892 700
CamCube AC-S 3010 1892 692 460
CamCube AC-S 3020 1892 1292 460
CamCube AC-S 3030 1892 1892 460


CamCube AC is a flexible and compact range of filter housings for HEPA filters and other filter types with 292 mm depth. Two stage filtration is available as an option with a prefilter mounting rail for panel filters
Max temperature (°C)
90 °C
Aluzinc (except handles, hinges and accessories)
Filter housing material: Aluzinc
Option: Stainless steel SS EN 1.4301
Filter: HEPA-filters such as Absolute C and Absolute D, size 595x595x292 mm
Air flow: See the relevant pages in the catalogue for information concerning filter data and design.
Note: Door hinged on the left or right, can be changed on site

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