Industrial oil and emulsion mist separators

Mist separators

Mist separators extract the process exhaust air from tooling machines and separate the aerosols from the air stream before the cleaned air is returned to production or to the environment.

Depending on the application and the processed material, the machine tools use different liquids such as emulsion, oil or MQL for cooling the tools within the machine, to clean the workpiece during the processing procedure or for chip disposal. As those metalworking fluids are injected with high pressure together with the speed of the tools, the fluids vaporise and create a coolant mist inside the working area of the machines.

Before opening the doors for changing tools or workpieces, the coolant mist has to be extracted from the working area of the machine. This is mandatory to protect the worker's occupational health, eliminate safety risks and control indoor air quality.

Industrial mist collectors can be used as centralised or decentralised extraction systems or for direct machine tool integration, depending on the customer´s process. Oil mist collectors from Camfil combine the advantages of filtering separators and coalescence separators which provide the best separation efficiencies, low energy consumption and long filter lifetimes.