TurboMachinery Enclosure

Turbomachinery need to be protected against weather and excessive temperatures. The surroundings also need to be protected from the high noise level, generated by the machinery. This is most efficiently done by enclosing the machine to fit the in- and outlet openings with effective silencers. With a gas turbine enclosure you can also get strong protection against fire as well as varying weather conditions.

  • Protects against fire and varying weather conditions
  • Dampens noise from the gas turbine
  • Facilitates servicing and inspection
  • Ensures even ventilation, optimum temperature and safe operation
  • Offers protection in the event of gas leakages
  • Provides an attractive exterior


Turbomachinery Systems such as gas turbines, large industrial compressors, generators
Installation options
Our enclosures are designed as an integrated part of the system. Lighting, easily maneuvered doors, lifting beams and space for lubrication and fuel systems are often built-in features in our designs. The load-bearing shell or the outer surface of the enclosure, which protect the sound proofing, are made of painted carbon steel, stainless steel or aluminum.

Articles related to Enclosures

Watch and learn

If you are looking to expand your knowledge on the impact of air filtration on your gas turbines and other turbomachinery, look no more!

Education and experience Energy and Power Systems
"Airplane jet Engines don't use filters, so why should I?"

"airplane jet engines don't use filters, so why should i?"

To answer this question, let's look at the difference between a land based gas turbine and a jet engine.

Energy and Power Systems

Keeping the information superhighway clear

Air filters in data centres offer a host of solid business benefits in a whole range of different applications, but one of their most impressive uses is in data centres. They raise energy efficiency and lower energy bills along with providing healthy work environment.

Electronics and optics

Camfil measures air on hornsgatan

For several years, Hornsgatan has been designated Sweden's dirtiest street when it comes to air pollution. Hornsgatan is an exposed street when it comes to harmful particles in the air. How does this affect residents?

Air quality Case studies

Gas turbine filter testing

The test rig has been calibrated according to standards EN 779, ISO 16890 and ASHRAE 52.2 and was developed for air filter testing simulating the harsh climate conditions where gas turbines are often located.

Education and experience

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