GlidePack CamCarb VG300 Housing

Molecular air filter housing rated for indoor and outdoor use to accommodate the installation of Camfil CamCarb VG300 modules to control odors, irritants, and corrosive gases in supply or exhaust air systems.

  • Designed for CamCarb VG300 modules
  • Maximum velocity of 250 fpm (1.25 m/s)
  • Only 16.5" in length of airflow
  • Integrated aluminum extrusion with fin seal
  • Ducted housing for supply and exhaust air systems
  • Standard MOC is galvanized steel. Options include 316 SST and insulation


Installation of CamCarb VG300 modules to control odors, irritants, and/or corrosive gases in supply and exhaust air systems.
Filter Frame
Stainless steel, Galvanized steel
Installation options
Flanged housing for ducted installation in supply and exhaust air systems
Standard housing is single wall galvanized steel with optional 316 stainless steel., Standard housing is single wall galvanized steel with optional 316 stainless steel. Double-walled and insulated construction is available for both materials of construction. Maximum velocity through this unit is 250 fpm (1.25 m/s). Packaged units with fans, plenums, and other customizations are available through one of our Molecular Contamination Control Design Centers.
Max temperature (°C)
Max Temperature (°F)

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