CamCleaner Horizontal

  • Filters high load particulate concentrations common in warehouses, processing facilities and production environments.
  • Protects employees.
  • Reduces cleaning.
  • Eliminates tobacco smoke, weld smoke, construction dust, asbestos and particles of all sizes down to ultrafines.
  • Reduces environmental impact.
  • Cleans products, fewer operational disruptions.
  • Lowers energy costs.


Warehouse, processing and manufacturing facilities where dust, welding smoke, oil mist, chemicals and/or fumes are present. Commonly installed where direct source capture may be difficult.
Installation options
Ceiling or wall mounted.
2000 and 4000 air delivery cfm.

Articles related to Molecular air cleaners

"Airplane jet Engines don't use filters, so why should I?"

"airplane jet engines don't use filters, so why should i?"

To answer this question, let's look at the difference between a land based gas turbine and a jet engine.

Energy and Power Systems

Gas turbine filter testing

The test rig has been calibrated according to standards EN 779, ISO 16890 and ASHRAE 52.2 and was developed for air filter testing simulating the harsh climate conditions where gas turbines are often located.

Education and experience

Watch and learn

If you are looking to expand your knowledge on the impact of air filtration on your gas turbines and other turbomachinery, look no more!

Education and experience Energy and Power Systems

Air filter experts offer presentation on managing virus mitigation 

Camfil USA Virus and Air Filtration Virtual or In-Person Presentation. A date can be coordinated with a Camfil local air filtration expert to conduct a detailed virtual presentation to key staff responsible for managing virus mitigation

Air cleaners and air purifiers Virus Contamination Control Air quality Commercial and public buildings

Protect your students & staff

For a safe school operation, healthy and virus-free air in the classroom is needed to avoid infections and diseases and to provide added comfort to students, parents, and staff.  Camfil's "Clean Air in the Classrooms" information pack is designed to help schools understand the clean air solutions available to mitigate virus and airborne pathogen risks.  

Air cleaners and air purifiers Virus Contamination Control Commercial and public buildings

Improved indoor HVAC system can help prevent airborne respiratory viruses

In a scientific debate, WHO has acknowledged that in the case of COVID-19, airborne transmission could not be ruled out in crowded, closed or poorly ventilated settings. Scientists across the world are looking for more evidence as it may affect many guidelines in the crowded indoor environment.

Air cleaners and air purifiers Life science and healthcare Virus Contamination Control Air quality Commercial and public buildings

Wildfire smoke air filter solutions

As the wildfires continue to blaze around the world, a vast amount of pollutants is being released into the air. View Camfil's air filter recommendations for mitigating risks of dangerous and damaging microscopic particulates and gaseous contaminants. Learn how to protect yourself and your facility during the wildfire season.

Air quality

Pm1: the smallest particles in the air

We all know that air pollution is bad for human health. A much less known fact is that new research indicates that the smallest particles in the air are the most dangerous.

Take a Breath Air quality

Why do we need a deeper connection with the air we absolutely depend upon - indoor air quality

Camfil is in the vanguard of a growing international movement to reduce the negative health effects of polluted air. As a leader in clean air solutions, we actively inform and educate customers, decision-makers, and the general public about threatening air pollutants and the tangible benefits of effective air filtration and high indoor air quality.

Air cleaners and air purifiers Take a Breath Virus Contamination Control Air quality Commercial and public buildings

Molecular air filtration in life sciences & healthcare

Awareness and regulations in the life sciences and pharmaceutical processes are essential as critical molecules in the mistaken place can cause failure of the production process which can be extremely harsh to the outcome. In the pharmaceutical and life sciences industries, cleanrooms and laboratories are often used for various purposes. These cleanrooms are subject to a high level of cleanliness of numerous particles and molecules

Life science and healthcare Air quality

Air cleaners revolutionizing clean air in the life sciences industry

Clean air plays an imperative role in the life science, healthcare and pharmaceutical process chain. Many studies have inferred that in moderate levels of air pollution the damage to human health is irreversible. In the life science industry where biological life or living organisms are at play, it is vital to maintain utmost hygiene along with superior indoor air quality. Camfil’s high-efficiency air filtration solutions are used by many global life science industry specialists in cleanrooms, production areas, and laboratories, including many global biosafety labs around the world.

Air cleaners and air purifiers Life science and healthcare Air quality

Keeping the information superhighway clear

Air filters in data centres offer a host of solid business benefits in a whole range of different applications, but one of their most impressive uses is in data centres. They raise energy efficiency and lower energy bills along with providing healthy work environment.

Electronics and optics

Camfil measures air on hornsgatan

For several years, Hornsgatan has been designated Sweden's dirtiest street when it comes to air pollution. Hornsgatan is an exposed street when it comes to harmful particles in the air. How does this affect residents?

Air quality Case studies

Mold odor

Aftermath of flooding driver government office to turn to CamCleaner vertical air cleaners for eliminating mold odor

Air cleaners and air purifiers Case studies

Historic journey of activated carbon and breakthroughs

Activated carbon (also known as activated charcoal) is an exceptionally versatile material that can control the vast majority of molecules that pollute the air – that’s more than 150 million cataloged chemicals.

Innovation technology and research Air quality

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