TurboMachinery Inlet Silencers

Turbomachinery air inlet silencers must be designed to meet the most challenging site noise limits, especially in urban and rural areas, while minimizing airflow resistance. Our turbine silencer designs are proven to ensure optimal noise protection.

  • Dampens noise from turbomachinery
  • Maintains a low and stable pressure drop
  • Designed to your specific requirements
Responsible Market


Turbomachinery Systems such as gas turbines, large industrial air compressors, diesel & gas engines, generators
Australia SEO Description
Air inlet silencers must be designed to meet the most challenging site noise limit conditions. Our turbine silencers are proven to minimize noise levels.
Australia SEO Keyword
air inlet silencer, turbine silencer
India SEO Description
Air inlet silencers must be designed to meet the most challenging site noise limit conditions. Our turbine silencers are proven to minimize noise levels.
India SEO Keyword
air inlet silencer, turbine silencer
Installation options
Our casing designs are either internally lined or externally cladded. Baffles can be splitter type in SST, galvanized or aluminum or modular ''brick'' type in SST. We also offer tube silencers.
Malaysia SEO Description
Air inlet silencers must be designed to meet the most challenging site noise limit conditions. Our turbine silencers are proven to minimize noise levels.
Malaysia SEO Keyword
air inlet silencer, turbine silencer
New Zealand SEO Description
Air inlet silencers must be designed to meet the most challenging site noise limit conditions. Our turbine silencers are proven to minimize noise levels.
New Zealand SEO Keyword
air inlet silencer, turbine silencer
Product Responsible Market
Responsible Market
Singapore SEO Description
Air inlet silencers must be designed to meet the most challenging site noise limit conditions. Our turbine silencers are proven to minimize noise levels.
Singapore SEO Keyword
air inlet silencer, turbine silencer
Thailand SEO Description
Air inlet silencers must be designed to meet the most challenging site noise limit conditions. Our turbine silencers are proven to minimize noise levels.
Thailand SEO Keyword
air inlet silencer, turbine silencer
United Arab Emirates SEO Description
Air inlet silencers must be designed to meet the most challenging site noise limit conditions. Our turbine silencers are proven to minimize noise levels.
United Arab Emirates SEO Keyword
air inlet silencer, turbine silencer

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Noise complaints from neighboring communities in Thailand prompted the plants to evaluate a noise-reducing filtration system. The CamGT high efficiency air filter solution not only improved the noise levels, it also increased turbine availability, improved pressure drop and helped the gas turbine produce more power.

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