Energy & education
Offering training in all aspects of our industry

Education & experience

Poor indoor air quality in your building is dangerous to you and your employees, and it hurts your bottom line. Our training on the energy, science and practice of all air quality, filtration and manufacturing air helps you solve both problems. We offer filter schools, testing and learning at various Camfil academies and universities around the globe.

Webinars and tutorials

Created April 30, 2020

Watch past webinars or register for upcoming webinars on air filtration and learn the importance of clean air. Through these webinars Camfil aims to create awareness about how critical is clean air to protect people, processes and the environment. We collaborate with industry experts on several business application to ensure that most relevant information is shared with the audience.

Education and experience

Watch and learn

Created April 27, 2020

If you are looking to expand your knowledge on the impact of air filtration on your gas turbines and other turbomachinery, look no more!

Education and experience Energy and Power Systems

Gas turbine filter testing

Created July 5, 2019

The test rig has been calibrated according to standards EN 779, ISO 16890 and ASHRAE 52.2 and was developed for air filter testing simulating the harsh climate conditions where gas turbines are often located.

Education and experience

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