Life science

Life science

Camfil’s air filtration solutions play a vital role in the pharmaceutical process chain, where a constant flow of clean air is imperative – lives may depend on it.

We’ve done the research. Get the most thoroughly tested, energy-efficient particulate and molecular solutions for pharmaceutical air filtration. Camfil products can help you comply with the toughest regulations, control contaminants, protect products and equipment, and safeguard patients, lab researchers and plant workers.

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6 tips to ensure you are ready to regain control of air quality at your business

Created August 26, 2021

Every business depends on its surrounding environment and understanding the needs truly depends on identifying the problems. One fact that will remain unchanged even after the COVID-19 pandemic storm settles is that 'air travels'. It is important to highlight the potential risks surrounding the business such as air pollution. 

Air cleaners and air purifiers Food and beverage Life science and healthcare Virus Contamination Control Air quality Commercial and public buildings

Effective hepa air purifier solution

Created August 4, 2021

Read the report from the University College of Dublin (UCD) as they evaluate the effectiveness of the City M unit in poorly ventilated environments

Air cleaners and air purifiers Virus Contamination Control Air quality Case studies

Filtration solutions for hospitals with a focus on the safety of patients and staff

Created August 4, 2021

When hospitals choose filter solutions for ventilation, their focus should be efficiency and reliability. Often cheaper solutions do not offer high-efficiency removal, energy savings, robustness and long terms reliability.

Air cleaners and air purifiers Life science and healthcare Virus Contamination Control Air quality

Department of the regional government of valencia installs air purifiers as part of their strategy for preventative measures against covid-19

Created August 4, 2021

Following the project conducted in 2020 to deploy 4,000 Camfil City M air purifiers to protect the schools where more than 100,000 students could benefit from the improved clean air. This measure was implemented by The Department of Education, Culture and Sports of the Valencia region as a measure Against COVID-19. Now the regional government has decided to protect the elderly and vulnerable by having air filtration solutions in the indoor environment.

Air cleaners and air purifiers Life science and healthcare Virus Contamination Control Air quality Commercial and public buildings Case studies

Guarding critical cleanroom application at pharmaceutical manufacturing with gold series dust collector

Created June 4, 2021

G-CON Manufacturing, a mobile cleanroom provider, and Camfil recently partnered to provide their leading-edge technologies together to meet the needs of a well-known pharmaceutical customer.

Life science and healthcare Case studies

Manufacturing industry air cleaners

Created April 30, 2020

In the manufacturing industry air quality can be compromised by the production processes.

Air cleaners and air purifiers Manufacturing and machinery

Air cleaners in hospitals

Created April 30, 2020

Find out how Camfil solutions can help you protect your patients and staff in your hospital

Air cleaners and air purifiers Life science and healthcare

Government CamCleaner for mold odor

Created April 30, 2020

Aftermath of flooding driver government office to turn to CamCleaner vertical air cleaners for eliminating mold odor

Air cleaners and air purifiers Case studies

Watch and learn

Created April 27, 2020

If you are looking to expand your knowledge on the impact of air filtration on your gas turbines and other turbomachinery, look no more!

Education and experience Energy and Power Systems

Reducing the risk of infection through virus by combating the air pathogens 

Created February 25, 2020

Combating the virus in the air. Maintaining a good level of hygiene and covering the mouth with a mask are good ways to stay protected but is this enough? Maintaining a hygienic and sanitary environment along with protection from those infected are vital as the virus thrives in contaminated conditions.

Life science and healthcare Virus Contamination Control Air quality

Fermentation odours

Created July 5, 2019

Case Study: Odour Solution For Pharmaceutical Company. There was a distinct odour in the manufacturer's lab and cold storage area, and employee complaints of nuisance odour eventually circulated to management where the concern was escalated.

Case studies

Cannabis cultivation

Created July 5, 2019

Case Study: Cannabis Cultivation. This key player in the industry operates one of the largest facilities in Canada, with over 150,000 square feet of space licensed for medical marijuana production. The process of growing cannabis produces a strong smell.

Case studies

Pfizer improved air quality while cutting energy costs

Created July 5, 2019

Pfizer Prioritises Energy Reduction Project. Camfil secured a supply and installation contract at the Pfizer Global Research and Development Campus in South-East Kent, UK that improved air quality and saves over £2 million.

Case studies

Camtain® contains explosive pharma dust

Created July 5, 2019

Case Study: Camtain Contains Explosive Pharma Dust. A multinational pharmaceutical company needed a dust extraction system for their new tableting suite in Spain. The suite comprised of six rooms, each with its own tablet machine that created explosive dusts.

Life science and healthcare Case studies

Hospitals & healthcare: st. james hospital dublin

Created July 5, 2019

St James Hospital Prevents Aspergillus. Healthcare facilities must maintain the highest levels of cleanliness to promote health and healing. Camfil provides air cleaners for these environments. St. James Hospitaal in Dublin used Camfil for Aspergillus prevention.

Take a Breath Life science and healthcare Commercial and public buildings Case studies

Gold Series X-Flo

Created July 5, 2019

GSX collectors are ideal for use in pharma, mining, food and chemical processing industries. They also provide a safer work environment in metalworking applications like welding and cutting.

Manufacturing and machinery

Hospital air quality matters

Created July 5, 2019

As a place of healing and recovery, hospital air quality is even more important than the air quality at commercial offices and shopping malls. The purpose of a hospital is to return people to good health, and an essential aspect of this process is ensuring that airborne pollutants do not make existing conditions worse.

Life science and healthcare

Molecular filtration for life

Created July 5, 2019

Starting the In Vitro Fertilisation (IVF) process can be an exciting and nerve-wracking experience for anyone needing help in conceiving a child.

Life science and healthcare

Camfil ProSafe 

Created July 5, 2019

Some processes are more sensitive than others. If you work in the food and beverage or life science industries, you know how tough the demands on clean air are. To be sure you have the right filter, look for the ProSafe symbol.

Food and beverage Life science and healthcare Standard and regulations

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