Get higher hotel ratings from guests with clean, filtered air as part of a superior customer and employee experience.
Easy check-in, fresh linens, room service … and clean air. In the hotel and hospitality industries, cleanliness isn’t just a perk – it’s a must-have. Clean air, climate control and comfort rank high on guests’ concerns when they use hotels. Visitors can spend up to 90% of their time indoors, so high indoor air quality (IAQ) can make or break a hotel’s reputation, especially in highly polluted cities.
Camfil’s energy-efficient filters and air purifiers for hotels do more than simply filter out the air. They capture and eliminate contaminants ranging from odours, dust particles, allergens and bacteria to dangerous gases, chemicals and VOCs. Not only do they deliver clean air for high IAQ, but they help building owners reduce their energy consumption and carbon footprint.
Customers want to eat at restaurants that control food safety and dining area cleanliness. Eliminate food preparation odors and particulates, and decrease the possibility of airborne food contamination and fire hazards from airborne oil vapors.
Give hotel guests an extraordinary accommodation experience free of allergens, viruses, bacteria and odors by using economical and effective air filtration systems.
Protect people, processes, products and equipment while keeping maintenance and energy costs low by keeping air handling units unclogged.
Fitness center members and staff require clean air that is free from dust, lint, mold and bad odors, all of which are naturally abundant in fitness facilities.
Maximize meeting effectiveness and energy by providing a clean environment free of bacteria, viruses and bad odors while minimizing maintenance and energy costs.
Camfil is in the vanguard of a growing international movement to reduce the negative health effects of polluted air. As a leader in clean air solutions, we actively inform and educate customers, decision-makers, and the general public about threatening air pollutants and the tangible benefits of effective air filtration and high indoor air quality.
Air cleaners and air purifiers Take a Breath Virus Contamination Control Air quality Commercial and public buildingsCombating the virus in the air. Maintaining a good level of hygiene and covering the mouth with a mask are good ways to stay protected but is this enough? Maintaining a hygienic and sanitary environment along with protection from those infected are vital as the virus thrives in contaminated conditions.
Life science and healthcare Virus Contamination Control Air qualityThe reason understanding SBS is important is a majority of adults spend a minimum of eight hours a day inside an office or work building, and most are indoor for about 90 percent of the time they are awake.