Protect your sensitive hard disk drives and get the optimal contamination control solution for this business-critical component.
These days, hard disk manufacturers are engaged in a cost and reliability race against solid state drive manufacturers. And the increased performance expected of computers, together with the ever smaller recording sections of hard disk platters, are placing higher quality demands on disk drives.
Your hard disks need to breathe, too. Luckily, high-efficiency filters like HEPA and ULPA filters have made it possible to control particle and chemical contaminants that cannot be removed with normal coarse dust removal filters.
All hard disk factories use advanced particle cleanroom environments with airborne molecular contamination (AMC) control for specific contaminants. Over the years, Camfil has built up a database of applications that can help you achieve the most stringent requirements for different process environments such as manufacturing, head stack assembly, post-sputtering and curing processes. Thanks to a comprehensive analytical programme, Camfil can analyse and quantify contamination (particle and AMC), and propose the best solutions to hard disk manufacturers.
Recirculation air units are used to provide clean and tempered air to facilities as a complement or substitute to ceiling systems and fan filter units. Recirculated air needs filtration for protecting people, processes and products.
Air handling units that provide conditioned outdoor air to industries are a critical parts of facility systems, to create room over-pressure and compensate for exhaust air. Make up air needs proper filtration for protecting coils and ducts, people, processes and products.
Cleanroom ceilings are designed to provide high protection levels against molecules (gas phase), nanoparticles and particles for cleanroom equipment, processes and manufactured products. Ceilings use laminar or turbulent air flows depending on the cleanroom design.
Microelectronic processes in cleanrooms or mini-environments require protection from particles and molecular gaseous contaminants. Processes include lithography, coater developers, etch, diffusion, metalization, thin films, ion implantation, inspection tools and reticle stockers.