Designing environmental aspects into our company’s product line is a Camfil priority. In return, we are able to make your workplace greener as well. By maintaining a constant dialogue with our customers, filter media suppliers and evolving our product designs, we are able to reduce the air-flow resistance of our filters, directly improving the energy-efficiency of ventilation systems that use our products in air handling units and other filtration systems. We can work with you to determine your life cycle cost and total cost of ownership for any products going into your facility.
The most important task for a filter is to reduce the amount of particles and pollutants in the ventilation air, but you can also reduce your energy costs if you look at which filters you have in the property by looking at the life cycle cost.
Standard and regulations SustainabilityCamfil Air Pollution Control (APC) develops and produces dust, fume and mist collectors for industrial exhaust-air cleaning. These extraction systems are used across a wide range of applications and industries, including metalworking, pharmaceutical, automotive, food and beverage, and mining.
SustainabilityA Message From Camfil Group Sustainability Officer. As you will read in this report, we have a bigger approach to sustainability where we look at our role as an employer and how we work with suppliers, distributors and customers to protect human rights, comply with trade regulations and ensure we help prevent corruption.
In 2018, Camfil transitioned CEOs. Find out what our former and current CEOs think about Camfil’s approach to sustainability in this interview. Our management believe we can run a healthy business and do good at the same time!
The tunnel can handle 5,4 million cubic metres of vehicle exhaust per hour and large tunnel exhaust passes air to 3 ventilation buildings along the tunnel section of the project.
Molecular Contamination Control (MCC) products remove molecules, gases and vapours from the air that cannot be captured using ordinary particle filters.
Camfil helps customers reduce their carbon footprint with EPA hydrophobic air inlet filters.
Savings on Total Cost of Ownership
Åby Renseanlæg, which is part of Aarhus Vand, Denmark is a large and modern treatment plant that purifies wastewater in Aarhus Municipality. After experiencing challenges in the laboratory air, Camfil's air purification solutions came onboard for help.
The WHO says that air pollution is the biggest environmental health risk. There are 3.7 million deaths every year attributable to outdoor air pollution and 4.3 million deaths attributable to indoor air pollution.
75 attendees. Seven noted speakers. Four professors. One mission – to discuss the importance of indoor air quality (IAQ). On Monday, September 5, 2017, Camfil AB and Trosa Kommun hosted a full day forum on IAQ.
"After a long career with HSBC, I established ‘Clean Air in London’ (CAL) in 2006 with a mission to achieve full compliance with WHO guidelines for air quality in London and elsewhere," said Simon Birkett
The Swedish government will step up measures to improve the indoor environment in Swedish housing. Enhancing professional competence will be the platform. Better ventilation and filtration technology will be the means.