Camfil delivers the best in filtration performance so you can deliver excellence in logistics. Camfil air cleaners help you to protect your products and your workers from harmful particles and gases.
Create a cleaner product environment with less downtime, lower energy costs, reduce environmental impact, and protect the health and safety of your workers and of the items stored in your warehouse or distribution centre.
What are you looking for?
The benefits of clean air in your warehouse and logistics center is a competitive advantage in the hectic logistics industry. In a clean production environment, there is less downtime, lower energy costs, lower environmental impact and healthier employees, and of course a cleaner and flawless product to send out to the customer.
Air cleaners and air purifiers Air quality Commercial and public buildingsCompass Transport has a storage capacity of 12,000 square meter, where both long term pallet storage and order pickups take place. Since April 2019, the new storage centre in Hardenberg is in use. During the construction of this new centre, Compass Transport took the topic of dust and filtration into the engineering & implementation stage.
Air cleaners and air purifiers Air quality Commercial and public buildings Case studiesThomann GmbH is the world's largest online and mail order retailer in the music industry for musical instruments, light and sound equipment, with almost 10 million customers in 120 countries and 80,000 products on offer. Due to the daily stock turnover, a lot of dust is generated in the ambient air. This is also a concern with occupational health and safety.
Case Study: Air Cleaner Solves Health & Dust Issue. The DB Schenker logistics centre in Önnestad, Sweden now successfully deploys Camfil CamCleaner 6000s for filtering and purifying air in hall areas. Commissioning the CamCleaners did not require major structural alterations.
Case Study: A Breath Of Fresh Air For The Logistics Sector. Two large warehouses of are used for interim storage of components. With stock moved on a daily basis, the stored components soon gather dust. The availability of staff and maintaining their health is top priority.