Waste & recycling

Waste & recycling

Make clean air part of the housekeeping routines at your recycling facilities – the health and safety of your workers, plant equipment and business depend on it.

Sort your waste – and the problems caused by the many sources of odours, dust and harmful gases at recycling plants – with dedicated molecular filtration solutions that keep danger at bay.

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Desulfurization of biogas with campure 32

Created 4 Haziran 2021 Cuma

CamPure 32 is the new ideal Camfil media for the removal of hydrogen sulfide during the production of biogas in an anaerobic process. Learn how this farm in France applied the high quality chemical absorbent media to their biogas application.

Energy and Power Systems Case studies

Aaby renseanlaeg

Created 26 Kasım 2020 Perşembe

Åby Renseanlæg, which is part of Aarhus Vand, Denmark is a large and modern treatment plant that purifies wastewater in Aarhus Municipality. After experiencing challenges in the laboratory air, Camfil's air purification solutions came onboard for help.

Air cleaners and air purifiers Sustainability Air quality Case studies

H c orstedsvearket

Created 6 Aralık 2018 Perşembe

During the process of removing the four, 28 meter high boilers, a lot of environmentally harmful materials must be handled, and the demolition process will create dust and smoke, which cannot be spread outside the building.

Manufacturing and machinery Case studies