

Don’t let bad indoor air quality travel with you. Safeguard travellers and employees from hazardous substances and supply clean, filtered air to terminals and other areas both indoors and outdoors.

Every day, millions of people travel through airport terminals – and take uninvited guests with them. As they rush to catch their flights or claim baggage, their clothing, their luggage and their skin can shed particles that contribute to air pollution.

Other sources that also degrade air quality include the operation of pushback trucks, passenger buses, staff buses, baggage wagons, cleaning team vehicles and catering trucks. Most of these vehicles are powered by diesel engines and operate close to gates. As a result, they likely contribute to much of the pollution inside the terminals. Jet engine exhaust brings not only unpleasant odours, but dangerous unburned hydrocarbons. Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are produced as a result of construction, painting and other maintenance activities.

The benefits of airport air filtration solutions from Camfil

High-quality airport air filtration solutions from Camfil help you control particulate and molecular pollutants. This way, you can provide fresh air for airport workers and travellers alike and help to limit the spread of problems ranging from the common cold to communicable diseases. You can even prevent the degradation of your facility.

Our products comply with strict environmental standards such as EN 16798-3 and ISO 16890.   

Choose the right air filter for your needs

Typical Camfil air filtration systems for airport pollution include:

Particle filters – ePM1 filters

ePM1 particulate air filters in central station HVAC systems or rooftop air handling systems provide the greatest level of fine-particle contaminant protection and operational economy. Fine particles can penetrate deeply into the lungs and cause damage. The ePM1 filter offers the best balance points for operational efficiency, a low resistance to airflow, long filter life and efficient use of energy to meet your sustainability goals.

Carbon filters

Carbon air filtration systems address the problems of jet fumes, diesel fumes and odours associated with other airport equipment, as well as VOCs and rest room exhaust. Carbon filters are also sustainable: when they are removed they can be regenerated and reused.


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