Arrange your camfil experience virtual training

Arrange your camfil experience today

The Camfil experience has been designed to help train and educate people about the importance of air quality as well as learning new skills such as Safe Change Filter Change out. This virtual experience is fully immersive and allow our customers to choose and interact with the areas that are of interest to them. In the Camfil Experience you can learn the following

  • Take a 360 tour following a particle around a city and understand how it affects people, products and processes
  • Interact with an Air Handling Unit and Learn the different stages of filtration and learn how choosing the right filtration solution can reduce costs
  • Interact with Camfil Terminal HEPA filter housings. Learn how to change out filters in your clean room environment
  • Interact with Safe Change Filter Housings. Learn the proper safe change process in a clean and safe environment. Train new staff to complete this safe change process
  • Interact with a Gold Series Dust Collector. Learn how to change out filters and the key features of both the Hemipleat filters and Gold Series Dust Collector
  • Learn about Camfil filters. Find out what makes them the best filters on the market

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The Camfil experience is ideal for users of HVAC filters, air cleaners, dust collection systems or clean room filtration. All respondents will be prequalified to ensure the Camfil experience will be important to them

Created 26 Kasım 2020 Perşembe