Kryt filtra HEPA s inovatívnym skenovacím systémom na vykonávanie testov integrity. Navrhnuté ako modulárne a ľahko inštalovateľné so zabudovanou tepelnou izoláciou.
Typ položky |
Šírka (mm) |
Výška (mm) |
Hĺbka (mm) |
CamCube AS 1010 | 707 | 707 | 650 |
CamCube AS 1020 | 707 | 1322 | 650 |
CamCube AS 1030 | 707 | 1937 | 650 |
CamCube AS 2010 | 1322 | 707 | 650 |
CamCube AS 2020 | 1322 | 1322 | 650 |
CamCube AS 2030 | 1322 | 1937 | 650 |
Ornestation Mors is using air filtration solutions focusing on clean air in stable facilities to prevent the risk of infection. One of the requirements is that Artificial Insemination (AI) studs in Denmark must install filtration or UVC rays in the ventilation system that provides clean, fresh air at the AI facilities to prevent infections among the pigs.
Case studies Virus Contamination Control Air quality