Pomocou riešení šitých na mieru vašim potrebám, môžete pred znečistením ovzdušia chrániť zdravie vašich zamestnancov a bezpečnosť zariadení na spracovanie potravín.
V spoločnosti Camfil kladieme dôraz na bezpečnosť potravín a zdravie ľudí. Naše priekopnícke riešenia v čistých priestoroch pre potravinársky priemysel sú založené na vysokých štandardoch výskumu, vývoja a kontroly kvality. Pomáhajú vám splniť stále prísnejšie predpisy týkajúce sa hygieny a bezpečnosti potravín.
Náš sortiment filtrov ProSafe ponúka výrobcom potravín s dobre zvoleným riešením pocit bezpečia. Spĺňajú najprísnejšie predpisy v potravinárskom priemysle. Okrem toho zaisťujú vysokú energetickú účinnosť a nižšie celkové náklady na vlastníctvo.
Aby sme pochopili vaše potreby v oblasti filtrácie vzduchu a poradili vám v súvislosti so zákonnými požiadavkami na kvalitu vzduchu, musíme s vami komunikovať a spolupracovať.
Pred vstupom výrobku do oblastí s vysokou úrovňou starostlivosti je nutné chrániť zariadenie alebo minimalizovať kontamináciu. Tu je potrebné prostredie s vysokým prietokom vzduchu a pozitívnym tlakom.
Produkty, ktoré sa nachádzajú vo vysoko hygienických oblastiach musia spĺňať najvyššiu úroveň hygieny. Najvyššia kvalita ovzdušia zabezpečí počas aseptického plnenia odstránenie všetkých možných rizík kontaminácie.
V oblastiach s nízkou starostlivosťou nedochádza k výrobe a ani manipulácii s výrobkom. Camfil odporúča produkty, ktoré spĺňajú normu EN 16798, s cieľom chrániť zdravie ľudí, nachádzajúcich sa v budove. Vhodné pre kancelárske priestory, expedičné priestory.
V týchto oblastiach sa skladujú suroviny, kde sa s cieľom zabrániť kontaminácií produktu musí udržiavať čisté prostredie. Medzi tieto oblasti patria šatne, priestory na balenie, skladovanie a vstupné haly do závodov.
Chráňte ľudí, procesy, produkty a zariadenia pri nízkych nákladoch na údržbu a energiu tak, že ponecháte vzduchotechnické jednotky nezanesené.
Handling dust produced due to sugar can be challenging as it is explosive, sticky and abrasive. In this facility, the customer produces soft gummy sweet sugar coated candy and required an efficient and reliable dust extraction solution for a new packaging line.
Case studies Air quality Food and beverageOrnestation Mors is using air filtration solutions focusing on clean air in stable facilities to prevent the risk of infection. One of the requirements is that Artificial Insemination (AI) studs in Denmark must install filtration or UVC rays in the ventilation system that provides clean, fresh air at the AI facilities to prevent infections among the pigs.
Virus Contamination Control Case studies Air qualityFood2Train's goal is to ensure an optimal hygienic profile of its products and a consequent increase in shelf-life. With this motive, since the start of the plant, Food2Train is working on a concept of cleanroom based environment in the food production cycle. This environment is dedicated to the portioning and distribution of its products hygienically along with eliminating the number of airborne microorganisms from the process to ensure maximum protection of the product.
Why high efficiency air filtration is important for food safety
Air quality in meat processing facilities is often the forgotten ingredient within their facility. Did you know that Meat processing factories are susceptible to the spread of airborne viruses and microbes? The temperature and humidity requirements along with the production processes lend to the survival of airborne microbes and viruses. This means that the airborne viruses can survive longer in the air than in other facilities.
Air is a vital ingredient in food and beverage production. Protecting your production process and final product has never been easier
The new Absolute V HEPA range of air filters is all about making your life simpler, safer and more eco friendly. This is achieved by offering you filters that are extremely light-weight, robust and easy to handle. Filters that provide world-leading protection for your operations.
A Canadian-based provider of wholesale French and Asian-style cakes and pastries that ship to restaurants and grocery stores throughout North America turned to Camfil when it needed a dust collector. The requirements for the dust collector included the ability to collect flour, sugar, baking and dry mix dust from ingredients being dropped into mixers, augers and bin dumpers.
Case Study. Food Producer Builds Appetite For Gold Series. Nestle wanted a turnkey installation and a guaranteed price for a dust collection system at their frozen dinner plant. The application called for two collectors to handle the various types of spices and additives.
Case Study: Eliminating Dust Clouds At Midwest PMS. Midwest PMS is a manufacturer of liquid supplements for livestock that are custom blended per order to various customers in the US. Their fully automated batching system combines an order’s various ingredients by weight.
Case Study: Filter Savings At Frozen Food Manufacturer. Three air handling units supplied air to critical processing areas in one of the USA's largest frozen food manufacturing facilities. The pre and final filter combination saved the plant over $33,000 per year.
GSX collectors are ideal for use in pharma, mining, food and chemical processing industries. They also provide a safer work environment in metalworking applications like welding and cutting.
Some processes are more sensitive than others. If you work in the food and beverage or life science industries, you know how tough the demands on clean air are. To be sure you have the right filter, look for the ProSafe symbol.