CC 400 Concealed

CC400 využíva viacstupňovú filtráciu na zabezpečenie efektívneho odstránenia škodlivých častíc zo vzduchu

  • Zdravší zamestnanci
  • Nižšie nároky na čistenie
  • Nižšie náklady na energiu
  • Znížený dopad na životné prostredie
  • Čisté produkty, menej prerušení prevádzky
  • Jednoduché pripojenie k potrubiu a difúzoru
  • Menej zápachu
  • Pripojenie RS 485 pre PLC alebo BMS systémy
  • ICON7
  • ICON9 en1822
  • ICON37 ISO10121
Šírka (mm) Výška (mm) Hĺbka (mm) Prietok vzduchu (m3/h) Počiatočná tlaková strata (Pa)
1112 313 327 400 137
1112 313 327 400 137
1112 313 327 400 137
1112 313 327 400 137

Technické údaje/parametre

Skrytá čistička vzduchu určená pre kancelárie, nemocnice, F&B a priemyselné aplikácie vyčistí miestnosti až do veľkosti 120 m².
Nehrdzavejúca oceľ, Pozinkovaná oceľ
Využitie napätia
Možnosti inštalácie
Na stene alebo do stropu (zabudované)
Frekvencia / HZ: 50/60
Maximálny prietok vzduchu 700 m3 / h pri 400 Pa s pripojením na potrubie 250 mm.
Prietok vzduchu alebo ovládanie IAQ cez dotykový panel alebo bezdrôtové pripojenie prostredníctvom systému vzduchového obrazu.
Štandardné filtre @PM1 60% a H13, možné aktualizovať pomocou molekulárnych filtrov.

Súvisiace produkty

Články súvisiace s Čističky vzduchu pevných častíc

PDL Center i Frihamnen förbättrade luften för sina besökare med luftrenare

Padel center improves air quality: happier and healthier padel players and visitors

With its sina 22 indoor and 6 outdoor courts, PDL at Frihamnen is one of Europe's biggest padel center providers. . Previously an industrial center with different activities, the padel courts ventilation had to be adapted for padel and its 10 000 visotors a week.

Air cleaners and air purifiers Commercial and public buildings Case studies

Food2train italy: safe ready to eat meals

Food2Train's goal is to ensure an optimal hygienic profile of its products and a consequent increase in shelf-life. With this motive, since the start of the plant, Food2Train is working on a concept of cleanroom based environment in the food production cycle. This environment is dedicated to the portioning and distribution of its products hygienically along with eliminating the number of airborne microorganisms from the process to ensure maximum protection of the product.

Air cleaners and air purifiers Food and beverage Air quality Case studies

How to remove high concentration of particles in metal industry

Welding, grinding and laser/plasma cutting processes produce huge amounts of fine PM1 particles and various harmful gases that cannot be removed from the indoor air by ventilation alone.

Air quality Manufacturing and machinery

Why do we need a deeper connection with the air we absolutely depend upon - indoor air quality

Camfil is in the vanguard of a growing international movement to reduce the negative health effects of polluted air. As a leader in clean air solutions, we actively inform and educate customers, decision-makers, and the general public about threatening air pollutants and the tangible benefits of effective air filtration and high indoor air quality.

Air cleaners and air purifiers Take a Breath Virus Contamination Control Air quality Commercial and public buildings

Significantly better working environment while demolishing the nuclear power plant in Sweden

Clean air at a disused nuclear power plant operated by Barsebäck Kraft AB (BKAB) in Sweden. The used nuclear fuels were removed a long time, but demolishing the nuclear power plant is a dirty job that requires maximum safety and control. To keep the air clean in the demolition process, air purifiers from Camfil were used.

Air cleaners and air purifiers Energy and Power Systems Air quality Case studies

Effective hepa air purifier solution

Read the report from the University College of Dublin (UCD) as they evaluate the effectiveness of the City M unit in poorly ventilated environments

Air cleaners and air purifiers Virus Contamination Control Air quality Case studies

Air pollution and cancer mortality risks

It’s no surprise that air pollution has also been associated with lung cancer. What is shocking, however, is that bad air can also increase the risk of mortality from other types of sarcoma, including breast, liver, and pancreatic cancer.

Air cleaners and air purifiers Air quality

Air filters help gyms stay fit for their visitors

Going to a gym is supposed to keep you healthy – but the air in gyms can be filled with indoor air pollutants and pose a threat to visitors and employees.

Air cleaners and air purifiers Air quality Commercial and public buildings Case studies

Hospitals & healthcare: st. james hospital dublin

St James Hospital Prevents Aspergillus. Healthcare facilities must maintain the highest levels of cleanliness to promote health and healing. Camfil provides air cleaners for these environments. St. James Hospitaal in Dublin used Camfil for Aspergillus prevention.

Take a Breath Life science and healthcare Commercial and public buildings Case studies

Manufacturing: Georgian Gates

Case Study: Metal Fabrication Workshop Improves IAQ. Increase production efficiency, reduce your environmental impact and keep your shop and workers safe. Camfil industrial air cleaners work hard for Georgian Gates, so they can focus on getting the job done.

Case studies

Fermentation odours

Case Study: Odour Solution For Pharmaceutical Company. There was a distinct odour in the manufacturer's lab and cold storage area, and employee complaints of nuisance odour eventually circulated to management where the concern was escalated.

Case studies

High-bay warehouse gets clean air for optimum storage, working conditions and energy efficiency

Case Study: Air Cleaner Solves Health & Dust Issue. The DB Schenker logistics centre in Önnestad, Sweden now successfully deploys Camfil CamCleaner 6000s for filtering and purifying air in hall areas. Commissioning the CamCleaners did not require major structural alterations.

Air cleaners and air purifiers Case studies

A breath of fresh air in the logistic sector 

Case Study: A Breath Of Fresh Air For The Logistics Sector. Two large warehouses of are used for interim storage of components. With stock moved on a daily basis, the stored components soon gather dust. The availability of staff and maintaining their health is top priority.

Air cleaners and air purifiers Case studies