City Touch

Čistička vzduchu City Touch používa ako záverečnú fázu filtra filtre E11 EPA. Je to ideálne riešenie, keď úrovne filtrácie HEPA nie sú kľúčovou požiadavkou.

  • EPA 11 filter
  • Odstránenie škodlivých častíc zo vzduchu
  • Odstránenie plesní a spórov
  • Zdravšie vnútorné prostredie
  • ICON9 en1822
  • ICON37 ISO10121
Typ položky Šírka (mm) Výška (mm) Hĺbka (mm)
City Touch 340 496 388

Technické údaje/parametre

Určená pre všetky typy vnútorného prostredia, ako sú napríklad nemocnice, hotely, kancelárie, domácnosti, školy, verejné prostredia. Všade tam, kde sa vyžaduje vysoko kvalitný čistý vzduch.
Možnosti inštalácie
Inštalácia: na podlahe, detská poistka, pripomienka na výmenu filtra
Napájanie: AC 220V / 50HZ
Filter: Predfilter, molekulárny filter, filter EPA
Rýchlosť dodávania čistého vzduchu častíc (CADR): 500 m3 / h
Rýchlosť dodávania častíc čistého vzduchu (CCM): P4≥12 000 mg
Kumulácia tuhých častíc (GB 18801.2015)
Časovač: 2,4,8,10,12h
Efektívna veľkosť miestnosti: ≤60m2
Senzor: častice + VOC
Model: rýchly, režim spánku, režim

Súvisiace produkty

Články súvisiace s Rada City produktov

Understand the challenges in the indoor environment when the outdoor temperature changes

In cold winter months, our energy and heat needs increase as the temperature drops outside. The sudden temperature change can lead to a sharp increase in pollution levels in the outdoor air. In addition, the cold itself means that we spend even more time indoors, which brings us closer to each other. Many don't understand how it affects us and our indoor environment.

Air cleaners and air purifiers Air quality Commercial and public buildings

Camfil's clean air solutions at the swedish pavilion - expo 2020 dubai

Camfil is an official sponsor of the Swedish pavilion by providing advanced clean air solutions that ensure better indoor air quality for visitors. EXPO 2020 in Dubai has started on October 1st, 2021 and will conclude on March 31st, 2022.

Sustainability Innovation technology and research Education and experience Air quality Take a Breath

Why do we need a deeper connection with the air we absolutely depend upon - indoor air quality

Camfil is in the vanguard of a growing international movement to reduce the negative health effects of polluted air. As a leader in clean air solutions, we actively inform and educate customers, decision-makers, and the general public about threatening air pollutants and the tangible benefits of effective air filtration and high indoor air quality.

Air cleaners and air purifiers Virus Contamination Control Air quality Commercial and public buildings Take a Breath

Air pollution and cancer mortality risks

It’s no surprise that air pollution has also been associated with lung cancer. What is shocking, however, is that bad air can also increase the risk of mortality from other types of sarcoma, including breast, liver, and pancreatic cancer.

Air cleaners and air purifiers Air quality

School learns the benefit of fresh air

A Life Cycle Costing (LCC) analysis proved the Camfil Durafil filter operated at a 24% lower energy cost per year than the Viledon T-60. The Camfil product would save the customer $14 per filter per year versus the alternative.

Air quality Commercial and public buildings Case studies Take a Breath

Cofely uk

Case Study: Clean Air For Cofely United Kingdom. Cofely, a GDF Suez company, is one of the leading experts in energy, technology and facilities management services with business outsourcing. Camfil provides City air purifiers to improve IAQ.

Case studies

Camfil City M for offices

City M, equipped with particulate and molecular filters, delivers a healthier indoor environment by removing dust, contaminants and harmful particles in department stores, offices, schools, hospitals and homes.

Air cleaners and air purifiers Air quality Commercial and public buildings