Classe ISO 16890 | Classe de filtration EN779 | Largeur (mm) | Hauteur (mm) | Profondeur (mm) | Débit (m3/h) | Perte de charge initiale (Pa) | Classification des filtres ASHRAE US |
Coarse 70% | G4 | 592 | 592 | 96 | 4250 | 60 | MERV 7 |
Egat North, the largest energy producer in Thailand, upgraded to Hi-Flo and CamClose air intake pre-filters as well as CamGT final EPA air filters and lowered degradation by 70%, reduced water wash requirements, and saved approximately $1.24M USD per year.
Turbomachines et Energie Fabrication machines Etudes de casEgat North, the largest energy producer in Thailand, upgraded to Hi-Flo and CamClose air intake pre-filters as well as CamGT final EPA air filters and lowered degradation by 70%, reduced water wash requirements, and saved approximately $1.24M USD per year.
Turbomachines et Energie Etudes de cas