Les équipements de turbomachine sont des éléments cruciaux qui consomment de grandes quantités d’air. Une prise de turbine à gaz, par exemple, consomme jusqu'à 98 % d'air et 2 % de carburant. La qualité d'air est essentielle pour la performance et la durée de vie des équipements et influe directement sur la disponibilité, la fiabilité et la rentabilité de l’opérateur. Que vous exploitiez une turbine à gaz, une éolienne, un gros compresseur d'air industriel ou une autre turbomachine, une filtration de l'air de haute qualité sera rapidement rentable.
Les conditions environnementales et opérationnelles peuvent varier considérablement d'un site à l'autre. Par conséquent, la solution de filtration requise doit non seulement être efficace, mais doit aussi être adaptée aux conditions et aux difficultés de votre site.
Les articles ci-dessous couvrent une grande variété de sujets qui vous aideront à améliorer vos fonctionnements globaux.
Les filtres à air à poches Hi-Flo et la mise à niveau des filtres à air CamGT EPA réduisent de 80 % la dégradation de l'efficacité des compresseurs, ce qui permet d'éviter 3 remplacements de filtres hors ligne, 7 remplacements de préfiltres en ligne et 3 lavages d'eau hors ligne par an.
Turbomachines et Energie Etudes de casCamGT 3V-600 static final filters and Cam-Flo GT Hybrid pocket air filters eliminate 6 offline washes per year, improve gas turbine compressor efficiency, and boost power output for a Singaporean coastal cogeneration power plant.
Turbomachines et Energie Etudes de casCamfil Power Systems (PS) provides filtration and acoustical solutions for turbomachinery including gas turbines, generators,industrial air compressors and diesel engines. Turbomachinery technology has evolved tremendously over the past decades.
Hinkley Point C, dans le Somerset, au Royaume-Uni, est l'un des groupes électrogènes nucléaires les plus sûrs et les plus efficaces qui soit, un type de réacteur à eau sous pression. Avec des centaines de mégawatts de production électrique en planification, la sécurité du processus devient une préoccupation clé.
Le CAMPURE 32 est le nouveau média de CAMFIL idéal pour l'élimination du sulfure d’hydrogène lors de la production du biogaz en process anaérobie.
What if we told you that 98% air and 2% fuel is the input of your most valuable assets, your turbines? Now what if we told you that 100% of that air contains pollutants that can damage your turbines if they’re not properly filtered?
Gas turbines are susceptible to fouling and damage if water droplets and water soluble contaminants, i.e. salts, are ingested by an engine.
Protégez votre turbine à gaz contre la formation de glace en cas de forte humidité et de basses températures.
To answer this question, let's look at the difference between a land based gas turbine and a jet engine.
The test showed that that the CamPulse GTC gas turbine cartrdige filter upgrade would improve pressure drop and increase power output despite the salt laden, high humidity environmental conditions.
Camfil provides the CamGT EPA air filter solution that helps reduce gas turbine compressor efficiency degradation and improves pressure drop by 40%. Three years after installation, the customer reported no filter change-outs, only 1 water wash in 3 years, and a low and stable pressure drop.
Egat North, the largest energy producer in Thailand, upgraded to Hi-Flo and CamClose air intake pre-filters as well as CamGT final EPA air filters and lowered degradation by 70%, reduced water wash requirements, and saved approximately $1.24M USD per year.
Frequent pressure and short filter replacement intervals led to high operational costs. Camfil's Cam-Flo air intake pre-filters and CamGT EPA air filters met their goal of 8000 hours of life and reduced pressure drop by 50%.
Air sampling, CamLab on-site analysis, as well as a Life Cycle Cost analysis show that the CamGT EPA filters will result in no shutdowns for turbine water washes, final filter shutdown extended to 5 years, decreased risk of corrosion and maximum power output.
Synthetic CamPulse GTC F9 cartridge air intake filters keeps twenty 30MW engines clean and running despite the humid and dusty desert environmental conditions.
Egat North, the largest energy producer in Thailand, upgraded to Hi-Flo and CamClose air intake pre-filters as well as CamGT final EPA air filters and lowered degradation by 70%, reduced water wash requirements, and saved approximately $1.24M USD per year.
Case Study: An energy plant on the pacific coast upgrades to the camgt 4v-300 air inlet filters after tests show its water and salt handling capabilities.
A side by side comparison shows the benefits of higher grade GTC F9 gas turbine air intake filters for two RB211 gas turbines, even in very clean rural areas. It means a cleaner engine, higher power output, fewer water washes, and fuel savings.
The Watson Cogeneration Plant operates 4 GE, Frame 7EA engines and produces 400 MW for local refineries and sells excess electricity to the grid. The Plant Manager requested air intake efficiency, pressure drop, and water tests from Camfil. The test results revealed the true impact of the synthetic cartridge filters on gas turbine performance.
With a growing demand for greener practices, and rising operational costs, it has become imperative that gas turbine operators cut their carbon footprints. Upgraded air intake systems are one of the easiest, most cost-effective ways to meet these demands, while improving operations at the same time.
Located offshore Ivory Coast, Africa, the CamGT EPA filter solution saves Foxtrot International 3 shutdowns per year and eliminates salt corrrosion, without compromising on footprint.
Huadian, a power generation company located in China, upgraded the air inlet filtration system to the GTC synthetic cartridge filters on GT PG9171E engines and improved pressure drop and availability despite the high humidity levels.
Tata Power Ltd, India's largest integrated power company requests Camfil for a Cam-Flo pocket bag filter and CamGT static air filter retrofit after heavy hot corrosion in the gas turbine and high pressure drop jeopardized performance and safety.
Dalkia, a leader in the French gas turbine market, launched a national comparative test for various air intake filters, including Camfil's Hi-Flo pre-filters and CamGT EPA filters, to increase power production for their 10 GE LM6000 gas turbines.
Noise complaints from neighboring communities in Thailand prompted the plants to evaluate a noise-reducing filtration system. The CamGT high efficiency air filter solution not only improved the noise levels, it also increased turbine availability, improved pressure drop and helped the gas turbine produce more power.
After three years of operation the CamPulse GTC F9 cartridge gas turbine air filters helped improve power output, decrease filter replacement frequency, and save over $400 000 as a result of lower pressure drop.
Gas Turbine Application: Do you operate in a coastal or offshore site? Unfortunately, you probably have to deal with corrosion related issues. You can, however, operate corrosion-free if you take the right measures.
Turbomachinery: Air inlet filtration systems should be designed to suit the environment. Because of market pressures, a general design has been used in widely varying environment conditions. Before making your purchase, get an assessment.
Gas Turbine Application: The quality of air inlet filters is essential for optimal gas turbine performance. Protecting the turbine with site-specific filtration solutions will assure profits are kept high.