Article | Classe ISO 16890 | Classe de filtration EN779 | Débit (m3/h) | Diamètre 1 (mm) | Diamètre 2 (mm) | Longueur 1, Cylindrique (mm) | Longueur 2, Cylindrique (mm) | Perte de charge initiale (Pa) | Classification des filtres ASHRAE US |
Cyl/Cyl | ePM1 85% | F9 | 2500 | 445 | 324 | 660 | 660 | 140 | MERV 15 |
Co/Cyl | ePM1 85% | F9 | 2500 | 445/324 | 324 | 660 | 660 | 165 | MERV 15 |
Tenkay 34" | ePM1 80% | F9 | 1150 | 324 | 864 | 115 | MERV 15 |
The test showed that that the CamPulse GTC gas turbine cartrdige filter upgrade would improve pressure drop and increase power output despite the salt laden, high humidity environmental conditions.
Turbomachines et Energie Etudes de casSynthetic CamPulse GTC F9 cartridge air intake filters keeps twenty 30MW engines clean and running despite the humid and dusty desert environmental conditions.
Turbomachines et Energie Qualite de l air Etudes de casA side by side comparison shows the benefits of higher grade GTC F9 gas turbine air intake filters for two RB211 gas turbines, even in very clean rural areas. It means a cleaner engine, higher power output, fewer water washes, and fuel savings.
The Watson Cogeneration Plant operates 4 GE, Frame 7EA engines and produces 400 MW for local refineries and sells excess electricity to the grid. The Plant Manager requested air intake efficiency, pressure drop, and water tests from Camfil. The test results revealed the true impact of the synthetic cartridge filters on gas turbine performance.
After three years of operation the CamPulse GTC F9 cartridge gas turbine air filters helped improve power output, decrease filter replacement frequency, and save over $400 000 as a result of lower pressure drop.