Apparent smell in the laboratory at Åby wastewater treatment plant in Denmark

The challenge - headache and dry mucous membranes
In 2018, Annelise Kallin was newly employed in the laboratory at Åby Wastewater Treatment Plant, Denmark, where she tests the purity of the water before it discharges into nature. With many years of experience in the laboratory industry, she was used to different laboratory working environments, but it did not take long before she started struggling with headaches and dry mucous membranes - caused by the air from the treatment plant, the fumes released by chemicals used in the laboratory and the exhaust gases from the trucks, that pick up the sludge. It eventually became such a nuisance that she contacted the maintenance team for the treatment plant's ventilation system.
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(above picture: Annelise Kallin in her laboratory at Åby Renseanlæg, Denmark)


Åby Renseanlæg and Camfil have collaborated for many years, and the maintenance team, therefore, contacted Camfil for help in solving Annelise's problem. Camfil team did a thorough inspection of the site and then proposed the City M air purifier as an addition to the existing ventilation system. 

The City M air purifier combines HEPA and molecular filters that effectively filter air and remove gases, odours, and air nuisances from the indoor environment. The unit is small and compact, so it takes up little floor space and purifies the air in rooms up to 75 m².

Åby Renseanlæg decided to test the City M air purifier in the environment to ensure that it could handle the challenge and alleviate the problem. They borrowed a City M air purifier for 14 days and it proved successful immediately. This compact air purifier has improved the working environment in Annelise's laboratory and removed all the nuisances. The City M was installed in the problem area and it stands where it has been since day one - removing the particles, gases and odours from the indoor air.



Åby Renseanlæg, which is part of Aarhus Vand, Denmark, is a large and modern treatment plant that purifies wastewater in Aarhus Municipality. The wastewater is treated effectively via six stages and is discharged after treatment into the Aarhus River, which has an outlet at the Port of Aarhus. The sludge, which has been cleaned from the water, is used as a clean and sustainable fertilizer in agriculture.

There are very strict requirements from the Danish Environmental Protection Agency regarding the purity of the water that is discharged into the river and therefore Åby Renselæg has a laboratory that thoroughly tests the water, ensuring that everything is safe for the surrounding environment. As extra security, an external laboratory randomly checks the results of the testing.

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Created Friday, September 18, 2020