Ambient air service: Site corrosivity

Camfil's Site Corrosivity Analysis uses a variety of tools to determine the level of corrosivity at your site by analyzing salt and gases present in the ambient air. Armed with this information, we can determine how to prevent catastrophic damage like hot end corrosion by recommending filtration stages and efficiencies. This corrosion analysis also helps guide the choice of materials for the air inlet system, as well as the level of protection needed for your control room.

  • Measures the level of corrosivity at your site 
  • Analyzes salt and gases present in the ambient air
  • Lowers corrosion risk and determines the filtration stages and efficiencies required
  • Predicts the optimal time offline water wash your gas turbine compressor
  • Guides the choice of material for the air inlet system


All gas turbine and turbomachinery applications
Installation options
There are different tools used to analyze the risk of corrosion:
  • CamPure Corrosion coupons: offline, passive sampling time 30 days
  • ISACheck: Real-time monitoring
  • Gigacheck Active: 2 to 6 hours sampling
  • Gigacheck Passive: Offline, passive sampling time 1 day - 1 month depending on the application 
CamPure Coupons: The CamPure coupons offer an easy and low-cost method to assess air quality by measuring the rate of corrosion of copper and silver coupons. These one-time use coupons can be exposed to ambient air on-site, or in a controlled environment, such as a mobile CamLab brought to site. . This passive testing method involves leaving the copper and silver coupons exposed to air for an extended period of time (typically at least 30 days for sufficient rust to have formed for analysis), after which the coupons are then returned to the Camfil laboratory for analysis of the corrosive layers that have formed on the coupon surfaces. After analysis, the total thickness (in Angstroms Å) of the corrosion film of the copper and silver strip is used to classify the average corrosivity of the environment according to the standards established by The Instrument Society of America (ISA). These results are compiled into a report to be delivered to the customer. Overall, the CamPure coupons are a simple and low-cost method of analyzing the average achieved corrosivity classification.

ISA Check: An alternative testing method involves real-time monitoring of a similar technique using Camfil’s ISA Check device. Very sensitive thin-film copper and silver sensors are exposed in the enclosed space, however they are integrated into a self-contained analyzer and data logger (the ISA-Check II) that is continuously assessing the rate of corrosion development on the foils and displaying the actual current classification according to the same four severity levels as the CamPure coupons. Unlike the CamPure coupons, this device is intended for continuous and not one-time use.
Gigacheck Active: The Gigacheck Active quickly detecs and quantifies various volatile organic compounds (VOC) such as benzene, toluene, octane, butyl acetate, ethyl benzene, xylene and nonane. It has a broader detection than the Gigacheck Passive. It also detects and quantifies ions such as F-, CI-, NO2, NO3-, SO42-?, PO42-?, NH4+.

Gigacheck Passive: The Gigacheck Passive also detects VOC, as well as Acids (H2S, SO2, NO2, NO, HNO3), Bases (NH3), Organic Acids Organic acids (HCl, HF, SO2, Acetic acid, Formic acid), and Ozone (O3).

Please contact your local representative for a scope of air sampling services offered in your country. 

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