City Touch

The City Touch air purifier uses E11 EPA filters as a final filter stage. It is an ideal solution when HEPA filtration levels are not a key requirement. Ideal for reducing particle levels. Incorporates live PM2.5 reading within the system

  • EPA 11 filter smoke tested
  • Removal of Airborne particulates
  • Removal of fungus and spores
  • Healthier indoor environment
  • ICON9 en1822
  • ICON37 ISO10121
Item Type Width (mm) Height (mm) Depth (mm)
Air Purifier City Touch 340 496 388
Pre Filter
EPA Filter
VOC Filter


Air purifier for all types of indoor environments, for example hospitals, hotels, offices, homes, schools, public environments and where high quality air purification is required
Installation options
Installation: Floor, Filter Replacement Reminder, Child Lock
Power Supply: AC 220V/50HZ
Filter: Pre Filter, Molecular Filter, EPA Filter
Particle Clean Air Delivery Rate (CADR): 500m3/h
Particle Cumulate Clean Mass (CCM): P4≥12,000mg
Cleaning Energy Efficiency: High efficiency class (GB 18801.2015)
Effective room size:≤60m2
Sensor: Particle + VOC
Model: Quick,Sleep,Auto

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