City L Connect

The City L Connect is a portable unit that includes IAQ measurement and real-time data visualization. Each unit is also equipped with two clean room grade HEPA filters and a molecular gaseous contaminant filter that provide up to 650 m3/h of clean air. The unit can be moved from room to room and plugged into any 230V outlet.

  • Real-time data visualization of room IAQ parameters, directly on the device and via Dashboard on any screen.
  • Individually certified H14 filters ensuring 99,995% filtration energy.
  • Activated carbon filter for the absortion of odors, organic and inorganic gases.
  • Ideal for larger rooms in offices, hotels, waiting rooms and schools.
  • Removal of airbone particulates, viruses and bacteria
  • ICON9 en1822
  • ICON37 ISO10121
Item Type Width (mm) Height (mm) Depth (mm)
City L Connect 495 960 410

City Connect support page:

Find frequently asked questions, user manual and other valuable information regarding City Connect here: CityConnect | Camfil

Terms and conditions:



Air purifier for all types of indoor environments, for example: offices, hotels, waiting rooms, schools, homes, public environments and where high quality air purification is required.
Voltage usage
Installation options
Wheels / Floor

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