To ensure the safety of our on-site technicians and their testing equipment, Camfil's NATA accredited facility must fumigate and decontaminate some types of client equipment prior to conducting their testing services.
Equipment requiring fumigation and decontamination may include:
Camfil's NATA accredited facility must perform various fumigation and contamination procedures, as per the following Australian and International Standards:
For areas such as PC3/QC3 containment rooms and exhaust HEPA filter housings, the following gases are used to fumigate or decontaminate the equipment of area:
For biological safety cabinets and other standalone equipment such as incubators, the following gases are used to fumigate or decontaminate the equipment of area:
Prior to performing any fumigation or decontamination procedure, a site visit by our on-site technicians is required for the JSA purposes and a safety procedure will be implemented in consultation with the client/facility management.
Some points to be considered is the type of facility/area to be fumigated, possible leak points, and the procedure for exhausting the fumigant from the area.
Our NATA accredited testing and certification services are provided under the following accreditation and site numbers: