
Designed and manufactured in Australia, the Kaire kitchen exhaust unit is a reliable and cost effective kitchen exhaust filtration solution. The Kaire unit is a multi-staged filtration system that can be used in all types of cooking applications.

  • Low capital cost turnkey kitchen exhaust solution
  • 3 stage sequential particulate filtration
  • Final stage of custom odour control
  • Static pressure monitoring of filters
  • Enables horizontal discharge of exhaust
  • Integrated in-line fan available
Item Type
Width (mm)
Height (mm)
Depth (mm)
Weight (kg)
Airflow (l/s)
100P-715G-11-PM-10-10 685 780 1950 120 670
100P-715G-11-PM-10-15 985 780 1950 150 1000
100P-715G-11-PM-15-10 685 1084 1950 150 1000
100P-715G-11-PM-10-20 1285 780 1950 180 1330
100P-715G-11-PM-20-10 685 1388 1950 180 1330
100P-715G-11-PM-10-25 1585 780 1950 210 1670
100P-715G-11-PM-25-10 685 1692 1950 210 1670
100P-715G-11-PM-10-30 1885 780 1950 240 2000
100P-715G-11-PM-30-10 685 1996 1950 240 2000
100P-715G-11-PM-15-20 1285 1084 1950 220 2000
100P-715G-11-PM-20-15 985 1388 1950 220 2000
100P-715G-11-PM-20-20 1285 1388 1950 250 2670
100P-715G-11-PM-15-30 1885 1084 1950 290 3000
100P-715G-11-PM-30-15 985 1996 1950 290 3000
100P-715G-11-PM-20-25 1585 1388 1950 290 3330
100P-715G-11-PM-25-20 1285 1692 1950 300 3330
100P-715G-11-PM-15-40 2485 1084 1950 360 4000
100P-715G-11-PM-20-30 1885 1388 1950 330 4000
100P-715G-11-PM-30-20 1285 1996 1950 330 4000
100P-715G-11-PM-20-35 2185 1388 1950 370 4670
100P-715G-11-PM-35-20 1285 2300 1950 370 4670
100P-715G-11-PM-25-30 1885 1692 1950 380 5000
100P-715G-11-PM-30-25 1585 1996 1950 370 5000
100P-715G-11-PM-20-40 2485 1388 1950 400 5330
100P-715G-11-PM-40-20 1285 2604 1950 410 5330
100P-715G-11-PM-30-30 1885 1996 1950 420 6000
100P-715G-11-PM-25-40 2485 1692 1950 460 6670
100P-715G-11-PM-40-25 1585 2604 1950 460 6670
100P-715G-11-PM-30-35 2185 1996 1950 460 7000
100P-715G-11-PM-35-30 1885 2300 1950 470 7000
100P-715G-11-PM-30-40 2485 1996 1950 510 8000
100P-715G-11-PM-40-30 1885 2604 1950 510 8000
100P-715G-11-PM-30-45 2785 1996 1950 550 9000
100P-715G-11-PM-35-40 2485 2300 1950 560 9330
100P-715G-11-PM-40-35 2185 2604 1950 560 9330
100P-715G-11-PM-30-50 3085 1996 1950 590 10000
100P-715G-11-PM-40-40 2485 2604 1950 610 10670
100P-715G-11-PM-35-50 3085 2300 1950 660 11670
100P-715G-11-PM-40-45 2785 2604 1950 660 12000
100P-715G-11-PM-40-50 3085 2604 1950 710 13330


Control of light to heavy kitchen exhaust emissions in all types of cooking applications
Designed to operate at a maximum velocity of 1.8m/s. Standard one-piece factory construction utilising 2mm galvanised steel. Optional split construction to allow for easier transport and installation. Powdercoated option available. Minimum 95% efficient at 0.3 micron as per EN1822.5:2009 standards. Initial contact efficiency of 99%+ with odours when operated at 1.85m/s. Three inbuilt pressure differential sensors and magnehelic gauges to monitor pressure drop increase across the pre-filter, bag-filter and final filter. Optional 4-20mA pressure transmitters available for easy connection to an existing building management system or remote display. Option to upgrade from activated carbon to custom carbon media for maximum odour removal.

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