E-mobility motor manufacturing

E-mobility motor manufacturing

Electrical motor production has a high demand for clean air. Through many different contaminant generating activities, the motor production areas can often be the most polluted areas within this Industry. Removal of these often harmful contaminants is key to ensuring people, product, environmental and process safety.

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Created 01 نوفمبر, 2022

Camfil launched the Hi-Flo bag filter range in 1969 and it has been our biggest success - Now we are introducing the Next Generation!

Innovation technology and research Commercial and public buildings

Make sure your dust collection equipment is safe & compliant

Created 21 نوفمبر, 2023

Dust collection systems are all safety devices and thus state-of-the art modern methods of validation and certification are required. Furthermore it is vital to ensure that the system is still in compliance after perhaps changed process conditions, to provide maximum safety for personnel and the facility. It is also recommended to carry out quality audits, process reliability surveys and annual safety inspections.

Food and beverage Life science and healthcare Manufacturing and machinery
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