Halls & malls

Halls & malls

Keep fresh air – and your business – flowing inside shopping malls, sports halls, and event and retail spaces. Ensure a pleasant, safe customer experience that keeps people coming back for more.

Even during light activity, the human body sheds thousands of particles per minute, and hundreds of thousands of particles as the activity level increases. So, anywhere you find large numbers of people shopping, exercising or interacting indoors, the supply of fresh air is critical.

Indoor air quality can affect health – for both people and businesses

Other activities and operations – product restocking, volume transport of material, heavy cleaning, and adjacent businesses such as restaurants, gyms, movie theatres and dry cleaners – all impact air quality. But they can even affect the perception of air quality, which can affect the spending attitude of potential customers. 

Uncomfortable customers can have a profound effect on profits if they keep their money in their pockets. Employee attitudes and resulting customer service might also suffer. The right ventilation system with good air filtration and locally installed air purifiers can eliminate contaminants in retail facilities that affect health and customer actions. 

Clean and green your retail and commercial facilities

With energy-saving air filters from Camfil, you can maintain the proper balance between supply and exhaust, and keep odours and particles under control.

Camfil supplies a full range of commercial air and gas filtration products for air handling units, ventilation systems and furnace filters to provide clean air for high indoor air quality and a healthy, more productive workplace. Our commercial filters and air purifiers are the most energy-efficient on the market, helping owners to green their buildings by cutting the power consumption of their air handling systems and reducing their carbon footprint.

Facilities that benefit from Camfil’s high-quality air purification systems

  • Retail spaces, where contaminants are introduced through customer traffic, dust created by stocking and restocking of materials, and outdoor transport.
  • Big-box stores, where most pollutants come from product restocking and volume transport of materials. These facilities also do plenty of heavy-duty cleaning, which can introduce trillions of fine particles.
  • Shopping malls and strip malls. In addition to the issues above, these have extra pollution from adjacent restaurants, gyms and specialty shops such as dry cleaners. 
  • Workout facilities, where high human metabolic activity produces both particulates and odours.
  • Movie theatres, where maladies can be transferred person-to-person in venues of high human capacity. 
  • Bowling centres or arcades, pet stores, auto dealerships, fast-food outlets and more.
  • Unique-purpose buildings like casinos, where the main objective is to keep patrons comfortable so they will continue to spend money. A casino might allow smoking, introducing another realm of contaminants.

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