Let's talk clean air
En podcast från Camfil 

Let's talk clean air - Podcast

Lyssna på vår podcast om hur ren luft kan påverka kvalitetsprocessen för dig och din arbetsplats. Varje månad bjuder vi in experter från hela världen som pratar om vilka fördelar luftkontroll kan ha för din verksamhet. Från att skydda din personal i fastigheten, spridning av luftburna föroreningar (som t.ex. virus) till att hjälpa till att skydda produktionsprocesser, produkter och miljön. Alla avsnitt är på engelska.

Alla avsnitt


Building managers are facing a pressing challenge, how to balance operational costs with the growing demand for better environments and sustainability.

Today we learn how striking this balance is not only achievable, but actually can go hand in hand with decarbonization goals. We hear from a renowned expert in building science who has been instrumental in shaping industry standards in filter innovation and working with ASHRAE to curate better IAQ standards, while holding onto a passion for the all important energy efficiency.

A Partner at D ZINE Partners, she leads the research of “Air as a Service” around indoor air quality, filtration and air cleaning systems. It’s a pleasure to welcome Dr. Marwa Zaatari.


  • Preventing sick building syndrome with efficient filtering 
  • ASHRAE 241 ventilation standards for new and existing buildings
  • Improving knowledge on filter performance, optimization and life cycle costs
  • Why all MERV filters are not created equally 
  • Incentivising IAQ compliance and education 


Dr. Marwa Zaatari is a renowned expert and influential leader in the realms of building science and indoor air quality (IAQ). Her innovative work has earned her the prestigious title of ASHRAE Distinguished Lecturer. At the forefront of HVAC design innovation, Dr. Zaatari has been instrumental in shaping industry standards through her involvement in various ASHRAE committees. Dr. Zaatari's contributions extend to the USGBC School Air Quality Leaders Network Technical Advisory Committee and she has also served as chair for the LEED IAQP Working Group.

Dr. Marwa Zaatari is Partner at D ZINE Partners. She leads the research of “Air as a Service” around indoor air quality, filtration and air cleaning systems, and IAQ measurements to design and operate buildings for optimal energy and people efficiency.

Website: Dr. Marwa Zaatari - Linkedin


There is a misconception that you cannot achieve IQ and energy efficiency. - Dr. Marwa Zaatari

If you follow prescriptive approaches, you're gonna miss out on a lot. - Dr. Marwa Zaatari

ASHRAE 241 went a step beyond our existing minimum ventilation standards by actually having an operation focus. - Dr. Marwa Zaatari

Filter design should be part of what we're going to do, part of studying a filter, quality of the filter, cost of the filter, over the lifetime of the filter. - Dr. Marwa Zaatari

Even for a low efficiency filter you need to make sure that the filter is well placed. - Dr. Marwa Zaatari


The Chief Airgonomics Officer initiative was started by Camfil, a leading manufacturer in premium clean air solutions and an advocate for access to clean air.

The Chief Airgonomics initiative is being driven at a time of urgency: sensitivities over air have heightened due to the COVID-19 pandemic, air pollutants are well known to damage the environment and the newly published WHO Air Quality Guidelines show us that air pollution is more damaging to human health than previously understood.

The initiative is a direct response to these realities while also bringing to life Camfil’s mission of protecting people, processes and the environment. It also puts into practice Camfil’s knowledge and expertise built over more than half a century and that it is eager to share with its peers and wider audiences to improve people’s lives.

Our Vision : Clean and healthy Indoor Air should be a Human right
Our Mission: We want all companies and organisations to put clean and healthy indoor air on the agenda
Camfil believes that real change can only happen through collaborative effort and wants your organisation to join the clean air movement and community. Start your clean indoor air journey today!

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Building managers are facing a pressing challenge, how to balance operational costs with the growing demand for better environments and sustainability.

Today, we discuss the true cost of ignoring energy efficiency, from cost to carbon penalties and unhappy tenants. We explore the financial advantages, including potential cost savings and improved property values, as well as practical strategies for overcoming common barriers to implementing these systems.

Our guest today is a leading expert in all things energy efficiency, with over two decades of experience in helping organizations optimize their energy use. It is a pleasure to welcome the founder of Selling Energy, Mark Jewell.


  • Energy efficiency is a ‘win-win’ for utilities, customers, manufacturers, and vendors
  • Maintaining or increasing Net Operating Income with energy efficiency
  • How longer-use filters can counteract labour shortages and environmental damages
  • Overcoming barriers to implementing energy efficiency
  • Financial risks of losing tenants due to poor building systems


Mark Jewell is the President and co-founder of Selling Energy.

He is a subject matter expert, coach, speaker and best-selling author focused on overcoming barriers to implementing projects. Mark teaches other professionals and organizations how to turbocharge their sales success.

Through his in-person and online training, daily blog, app for iOS, app for Android, YouTube, and Social Media accounts, Mark Jewell provides ideas and inspiration for everyone from the eco-entrepreneur to those with Fortune 500 companies.

Website: Mark Jewell - Selling Energy


A lot of people forget that the only reason we have buildings that are occupied by occupants is to make sure those occupants are productive and safe. - Mark Jewell

I think you need to expand the definition of efficiency to more than just energy efficiency. It's the efficiency of labor too. - Mark Jewell

Do you really want to throw out four filters a year when you could throw out one? The landfill is not free, right? - Mark Jewell

One of the biggest barriers is ignorance. I think that it's possible that a lot of people don't really know what's possible. - Mark Jewell

It used to be a green premium, now it's a brown discount if your building does not have systems that can guarantee the health and safety of the occupants. - Mark Jewell


The Chief Airgonomics Officer initiative was started by Camfil, a leading manufacturer in premium clean air solutions and an advocate for access to clean air.

The Chief Airgonomics initiative is being driven at a time of urgency: sensitivities over air have heightened due to the COVID-19 pandemic, air pollutants are well known to damage the environment and the newly published WHO Air Quality Guidelines show us that air pollution is more damaging to human health than previously understood.

The initiative is a direct response to these realities while also bringing to life Camfil’s mission of protecting people, processes and the environment. It also puts into practice Camfil’s knowledge and expertise built over more than half a century and that it is eager to share with its peers and wider audiences to improve people’s lives.

Our Vision : Clean and healthy Indoor Air should be a Human right
Our Mission: We want all companies and organisations to put clean and healthy indoor air on the agenda
Camfil believes that real change can only happen through collaborative effort and wants your organisation to join the clean air movement and community. Start your clean indoor air journey today!

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We know that bad air quality can have a major impact on our health, but new emerging research is showing it can also affect our cognitive function.

Today we hear from a neuroscientist who is passionate about the link between IAQ and creativity. His recent study used the Serious Brick Play method to measure if better air quality can increase our creative thinking and the results are very impressive!.

Our guest is a Senior Researcher at the Singapore-ETH Centre and holds a PhD in cognitive neuroscience and master's in Neuroscience and Artificial Intelligence, Dr. Adam Charles Roberts.


  • A father’s brain injury that inspired research in air quality
  • Understanding complex IAQ measures and how they impact the brain
  • Using the serious brick play method to measure creativity
  • Statistical analysis showing an increase in creativity with better air quality
  • Potential benefits of improving air quality for creative thinking and artistry


Dr. Adam Charles Roberts is a Senior Researcher at the Singapore-ETH Centre, focusing on Social and Financial Resilience and interactions with new technology. Previously, he was a Senior Research Fellow at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, studying air quality’s effects on cognition and the psychology of work environments, and a Postdoctoral Researcher at the University of Oxford, studying Neurolinguistics.

Social Media: Dr. Adam Charles Roberts - Linkedin


I suddenly became very interested in the brain. How is the brain working and why does the brain not work as well in certain situations? - Dr Adam Charles Roberts

We used the serious brick play method. The reason for this is we wanted to ensure that we had something that was repeatable and that could be scored by different people. - Dr Adam Charles Roberts

We found that if you change the air quality from the maximum allowable to the level we achieved, you get 11.5% increase in creativity. - Dr Adam Charles Roberts

It's something that's not exactly difficult to achieve, right? We just got some air filters, put them in the aircon system. That was it. - Dr Adam Charles Roberts

People may not know how much creativity they are using in their job, but I think everyone could benefit from improving their creativity. - Dr Adam Charles Roberts


The Chief Airgonomics Officer initiative was started by Camfil, a leading manufacturer in premium clean air solutions and an advocate for access to clean air.

The Chief Airgonomics initiative is being driven at a time of urgency: sensitivities over air have heightened due to the COVID-19 pandemic, air pollutants are well known to damage the environment and the newly published WHO Air Quality Guidelines show us that air pollution is more damaging to human health than previously understood.

The initiative is a direct response to these realities while also bringing to life Camfil’s mission of protecting people, processes and the environment. It also puts into practice Camfil’s knowledge and expertise built over more than half a century and that it is eager to share with its peers and wider audiences to improve people’s lives.

Our Vision : Clean and healthy Indoor Air should be a Human right
Our Mission: We want all companies and organisations to put clean and healthy indoor air on the agenda
Camfil believes that real change can only happen through collaborative effort and wants your organisation to join the clean air movement and community. Start your clean indoor air journey today!

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Air filters can be adapted to the needs of your commercial building or home, and your needs may change with the seasons. Working with these changes can be beneficial to balancing efficiency and quality of air you get.

Today we’re diving further into future standards and developments with Kathleen Owen. We get into the imbalance between indoor and outdoor air quality standards, along with ASHRAE Standard 241, which will be official from January 1, 2025, and how that will affect filter requirements.

Our expert guest has over 30 years experience working in the field and is considered the OG of indoor air quality, Kathleen Owen.


  • Balancing energy efficiency and air quality
  • Challenges for schools with budget restraints
  • Decarbonization and reducing carbon footprints
  • Outdoor air quality standard vs lack for IAQ
  • Future of gas and VOC mitigation


Kathleen Owen, ASHRAE Fellow, has extensive experience in gaseous and particulate matter air cleaning, determining air cleaning efficiency, and developing test methods to evaluate various air cleaning technologies.

Prior to starting her own company, Kathleen spent 33 years at RTI International where she worked on the ASHRAE and EPA projects that developed ASHRAE air cleaner efficiency test methods 52.2 (for particles), 145.2 (gases), and 185.1 (UV-bioaerosol). She also developed chamber test methods for gas and bioaerosol removal by in-room air cleaners based, in large part, on the AHAM CADR test method. EPA, DOD, ASHRAE and other projects she has worked on included air cleaning, air quality, contaminant transport modelling, technology development, and aerosol penetration of protective garments. Also, after working in the lab for several years, she ran the RTI commercial air cleaner test lab for over 20 years with over 100 different companies as customers over the years. She now works for various customers as a consultant.

Kathleen earned a BS in chemical engineering from NCSU and an MS in Air Pollution Control Engineering from UNC-CH.

Social Media: Kathleen Owen - Linkedin

Website: Kathleen Owen - ASHRAE Lecturer Profile


On January 1, 2025, the MERV-A requirement kicks in. The standard itself, other than that, stays the same. - Kathleen Owen

You can change what you're doing and still meet that need for clean air. - Kathleen Owen

The first thing to do is to get your system working the way you thought it was working. - Kathleen Owen

A lot of the effects are, ‘oh, that kid has asthma’ instead of maybe that house has too much something in it. - Kathleen Owen

There are a lot of VOCs that are used in houses and commercial buildings that people want. Perfume, bug spray, cleansers, a lot of them have VOC emissions. - Kathleen Owen

I do know that we're gradually getting more data and more awareness of what the different gases in the air can do to people, but I hope we find more answers and assume that we will. - Kathleen Owen

I think it's critical that we first get air cleaners that put bad stuff into the air off the market. - Kathleen Owen


The Chief Airgonomics Officer initiative was started by Camfil, a leading manufacturer in premium clean air solutions and an advocate for access to clean air.

The Chief Airgonomics initiative is being driven at a time of urgency: sensitivities over air have heightened due to the COVID-19 pandemic, air pollutants are well known to damage the environment and the newly published WHO Air Quality Guidelines show us that air pollution is more damaging to human health than previously understood.

The initiative is a direct response to these realities while also bringing to life Camfil’s mission of protecting people, processes and the environment. It also puts into practice Camfil’s knowledge and expertise built over more than half a century and that it is eager to share with its peers and wider audiences to improve people’s lives.

Our Vision : Clean and healthy Indoor Air should be a Human right
Our Mission: We want all companies and organisations to put clean and healthy indoor air on the agenda
Camfil believes that real change can only happen through collaborative effort and wants your organisation to join the clean air movement and community. Start your clean indoor air journey today!

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Although indoor air quality may seem like a relatively new topic for most people, there have been experts working in and promoting this field for decades.

Today we meet a pioneer of indoor air quality standards who, despite falling into the career, has an immense passion for promoting better IAQ. We hear about her leading research and testing, including how air quality ratings were developed and simple but great considerations for any HVAC system.

Our guest is considered the OG of everything air quality testing and spent three decades working with RTI International, Kathleen Owen.


  • How Kathleen developed a passion for IAQ
  • Introducing efficiency measures with ASHRAE 52.2 Appendix J
  • Differences in MERV filters and performance
  • The need for real-world filter testing
  • Selecting the right air filters and proper installation


Kathleen Owen, ASHRAE Fellow, has extensive experience in gaseous and particulate matter air cleaning, determining air cleaning efficiency, and developing test methods to evaluate various air cleaning technologies.

Prior to starting her own company, Kathleen spent 33 years at RTI International where she worked on the ASHRAE and EPA projects that developed ASHRAE air cleaner efficiency test methods 52.2 (for particles), 145.2 (gases), and 185.1 (UV-bioaerosol). She also developed chamber test methods for gas and bioaerosol removal by in-room air cleaners based, in large part, on the AHAM CADR test method. EPA, DOD, ASHRAE and other projects she has worked on included air cleaning, air quality, contaminant transport modelling, technology development, and aerosol penetration of protective garments. Also, after working in the lab for several years, she ran the RTI commercial air cleaner test lab for over 20 years with over 100 different companies as customers over the years. She now works for various customers as a consultant.

Kathleen earned a BS in chemical engineering from NCSU and an MS in Air Pollution Control Engineering from UNC-CH.

Social Media: Kathleen Owen - Linkedin

Website: Kathleen Owen - ASHRAE Lecturer Profile


Appendix J is intended to give you a much better estimate of the minimum efficiency of a filter, of a charged media filter, in real life. - Kathleen Owen

If you want better, cleaner air, run the fan more, put in a higher efficiency filter that your fan can work with. - Kathleen Owen

We have a ways to go in terms of getting the filters that we need out there, getting people to use them. - Kathleen Owen

One of the biggest issues with filters, and I know you guys worry about this too, people stick filters into spots they don't fit. - Kathleen Owen


The Chief Airgonomics Officer initiative was started by Camfil, a leading manufacturer in premium clean air solutions and an advocate for access to clean air.

The Chief Airgonomics initiative is being driven at a time of urgency: sensitivities over air have heightened due to the COVID-19 pandemic, air pollutants are well known to damage the environment and the newly published WHO Air Quality Guidelines show us that air pollution is more damaging to human health than previously understood.

The initiative is a direct response to these realities while also bringing to life Camfil’s mission of protecting people, processes and the environment. It also puts into practice Camfil’s knowledge and expertise built over more than half a century and that it is eager to share with its peers and wider audiences to improve people’s lives.

Our Vision : Clean and healthy Indoor Air should be a Human right
Our Mission: We want all companies and organisations to put clean and healthy indoor air on the agenda
Camfil believes that real change can only happen through collaborative effort and wants your organisation to join the clean air movement and community. Start your clean indoor air journey today!

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Measuring your indoor air quality will give you a better understanding of your filter needs, but older methods of intermittent and spot checks may not be the most efficient way to protect your occupants health.

Today we hear from an expert who advocates for the importance of real-time air quality monitoring, particularly in schools and similar settings. We learn how the dynamic nature of these buildings, including internal and external factors, requires a more sophisticated approach to air quality management and how HVAC systems can be better optimised to balance IAQ and energy output.

Our guest is passionate about the physical and cognitive benefits of IAQ management in educational settings, and is Founder and CEO of Attune, Dr. Serene Almomen.


  • Improving air quality in schools for physical and cognitive health
  • Why real-time air quality monitoring is crucial for managing IAQ
  • The dynamic nature of buildings, both internally and externally
  • Balancing IAQ, energy savings and return on investment
  • Effectively communicating IAQ data with building occupants


Dr. Serene Almomen is a prominent figure in the field of air quality monitoring and improvement, particularly focused on enhancing indoor air quality (IAQ) in schools.

As the co-founder and CEO of Attune (formerly Senseware), a high-growth technology company, Dr. Almomen has been at the forefront of developing innovative solutions for IAQ monitoring[2][5].

Attune is an IoT, smart building solution that provides cost-effective and secure wireless solutions to collect data and control all mechanical, electrical, plumbing and environmental systems from your facility.

Social Media: Dr. Serene Almomen


We learned the hard way that it's a non-negotiable to have clean air that we breathe. You wouldn't drink water if you see that it's dirty. - Dr. Serene Almomen

There are so many dynamic things that are happening externally and internally, that the spot checks would just not capture that. That's where real time becomes really important. - Dr. Serene Almomen

Now, we know that there are multiple sensors that are important and each sensor ties to different aspects of how we're cleaning the air and optimizing indoor air quality in indoor spaces. - Dr. Serene Almomen

What we do to simplify the contaminants is tied to ventilation. So we give a ventilation score versus air quality score. And that's more practical, reasonable and effective. - Dr. Serene Almomen


The Chief Airgonomics Officer initiative was started by Camfil, a leading manufacturer in premium clean air solutions and an advocate for access to clean air.

The Chief Airgonomics initiative is being driven at a time of urgency: sensitivities over air have heightened due to the COVID-19 pandemic, air pollutants are well known to damage the environment and the newly published WHO Air Quality Guidelines show us that air pollution is more damaging to human health than previously understood.

The initiative is a direct response to these realities while also bringing to life Camfil’s mission of protecting people, processes and the environment. It also puts into practice Camfil’s knowledge and expertise built over more than half a century and that it is eager to share with its peers and wider audiences to improve people’s lives.

Our Vision : Clean and healthy Indoor Air should be a Human right
Our Mission: We want all companies and organisations to put clean and healthy indoor air on the agenda
Camfil believes that real change can only happen through collaborative effort and wants your organisation to join the clean air movement and community. Start your clean indoor air journey today!

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Healthy air in any building is paramount. If it’s something you want to achieve, the best place to start is to accurately measure the quality of air you currently have.

Today we hear from an expert in air quality measurement, who explains the metrics and gives us the essential knowledge to make informed decisions about indoor air management.

Our guest has been working in air filtration for a long time and is Global Product Manager for Camfil, Matthias Jerosch.


  • What we need to accurately measure indoor air quality
  • Measurement meters are not all created equal
  • Air quality in different environments
  • Source contaminants in your workplace
  • The future of measurements and standards in IAQ


Matthias Jerosch is Global Product Manager For Air Cleaners & Containment at Camfil

Social Media: Matthias Jerosch


The Chief Airgonomics Officer initiative was started by Camfil, a leading manufacturer in premium clean air solutions and an advocate for access to clean air.

The Chief Airgonomics initiative is being driven at a time of urgency: sensitivities over air have heightened due to the COVID-19 pandemic, air pollutants are well known to damage the environment and the newly published WHO Air Quality Guidelines show us that air pollution is more damaging to human health than previously understood.

The initiative is a direct response to these realities while also bringing to life Camfil’s mission of protecting people, processes and the environment. It also puts into practice Camfil’s knowledge and expertise built over more than half a century and that it is eager to share with its peers and wider audiences to improve people’s lives.

Our Vision : Clean and healthy Indoor Air should be a Human right
Our Mission: We want all companies and organisations to put clean and healthy indoor air on the agenda
Camfil believes that real change can only happen through collaborative effort and wants your organisation to join the clean air movement and community. Start your clean indoor air journey today!

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Our last episode, ‘The Professor’, was a masterclass of clear, science-backed guidance on improving indoor air, from a globally recognized leader in building science.

Jeffrey Siegel gave us really straightforward strategies and showed us how even small changes can meaningfully impact health, wellbeing and cognitive function.

After that podcast, we kept talking about the pros’ and cons’ of handheld sensors, balancing the quality of life and the cost of indoor air quality and some really simple things building managers can look at to get the best air quality at work.

Fortunately, we kept recording that conversation, so we can bring you all of this in a special bonus episode of ‘Let’s Talk Clean Air’ with Professor Jeffrey Siegel, a renowned expert with an academic career in air quality stretching from Berkeley to Texas, to his current position as the Professor of Civil Engineering at the University of Toronto.


  • How building managers should approach indoor air quality and maintenance
  • The pros and cons of handheld air quality sensors
  • Empowering people to make them think about their indoor air quality
  • The middle ground of quality of life and good indoor air
  • The economic and health benefits of investing in indoor air societally


Dr Jeffrey Siegel, a Professor of Civil Engineering at the University of Toronto, specializes in creating healthy and sustainable buildings. With expertise in ventilation, indoor air quality, and control of particulate matter, he contributes to research on the indoor microbiome and moisture interactions. Dr. Siegel, a fellow of ASHRAE, teaches courses on indoor air quality and sustainable energy systems. His background includes a Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from UC Berkeley, and he was an associate editor for the journal Building and Environment. Previously, he held a position as an Associate Professor at the University of Texas.

Website: The University of Toronto - Dr Jeffrey Siegel

JJon Holmes, aka ‘the filter guy’ has worked with Camfil for over 10 years and in 2022 was promoted to National Accounts Manager in Canada. Jon has completed training in Theories of Filtration, HEPA Filtration Testing, ASHRAE Testing Standards and Advanced Filtration. He is also heavily involved with industry organizations like BOMA, CHES, and NAFA, and acts as Chair of several committees in the industry.

Social Media: Jon Holmes


I think practical advice is important and is kind of in short supply. So the first thing I would say is, whatever decision you're making about air cleaning in your building, make sure you understand how it works and how to use it well. - Jeffrey Siegel

It’s that whole idea of empowering people to first of all think about their indoor air in a formalized way, but also, start the conversations about how we address issues, and I think that's what's so important about initiatives like the Chief Airgonomics Officer - Jeffrey Siegel

On one hand, I love that people are measuring indoor air, the whole problem people like me face is that indoor air is invisible. Bad indoor air and good indoor air look exactly the same, often smell exactly the same, and so, having a sensor there is so important. People learn so much from sensors. In my family in my house, one of the most important sources of indoor air pollution is cooking. - Jeffrey Siegel

Cleaning generates a ton of pollutants, I would never tell people not to clean, but you might want to think about how you're ventilating during cleaning, who is present during cleaning. - Jeffery Siegel

We are being, as a society, kind of economically foolish by not investing in indoor air, because there are these huge benefits, health benefits, productivity benefits, cognitive function benefits, well being benefits. So I think it's really important that we be very sensible in our economic analysis, we always think about the costs, of course, we should also be thinking about the benefits. - Jeffrey Siegel


The Chief Airgonomics Officer initiative was started by Camfil, a leading manufacturer in premium clean air solutions and an advocate for access to clean air.

The Chief Airgonomics initiative is being driven at a time of urgency: sensitivities over air have heightened due to the COVID-19 pandemic, air pollutants are well known to damage the environment and the newly published WHO Air Quality Guidelines show us that air pollution is more damaging to human health than previously understood.

The initiative is a direct response to these realities while also bringing to life Camfil’s mission of protecting people, processes and the environment. It also puts into practice Camfil’s knowledge and expertise built over more than half a century and that it is eager to share with its peers and wider audiences to improve people’s lives.

Our Vision : Clean and healthy Indoor Air should be a Human right
Our Mission: We want all companies and organisations to put clean and healthy indoor air on the agenda
Camfil believes that real change can only happen through collaborative effort and wants your organisation to join the clean air movement and community. Start your clean indoor air journey today!

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I det här avsnittet får du tydlig, vetenskapligt underbyggd vägledning om hur du förbättrar inomhusluften från en globalt erkänd ledare inom byggvetenskap.

Professor Jeffrey Siegel delar med sig av enkla strategier som att kontrollera källor, optimera ventilationen och välja effektiva filter. Han berättar hur små förändringar kan ha en meningsfull inverkan på hälsa, välbefinnande och kognitiv funktion. Jeffrey drar nytta av sin omfattande expertis för att hjälpa oss förstå vikten av inomhusluftens kvalitet och hur vi praktiskt kan förbättra den.

Efter det här avsnittet kommer du att känna dig stärkt att vidta åtgärder för att förbättra luften omkring dig.


  • Varför inomhusluftkvalitet är viktigare än någonsin
  • Fördelarna med ren luftkvalitet för vår hälsa och vårt välbefinnande
  • Skapa ett hälsosamt mikrobiom inomhus
  • Certifieringar och regler för luftkvalitet inomhus
  • Varför alla luftfilter inte är lika bra


Dr Jeffrey Siegel, professor i civilingenjörsvetenskap vid University of Toronto, är specialiserad på att skapa hälsosamma och hållbara byggnader. Med expertis inom ventilation, inomhusluftkvalitet och kontroll av partiklar bidrar han till forskning om inomhusmikrobiom och fuktinteraktioner. Dr. Siegel, som är medlem i ASHRAE, undervisar i kurser om inomhusluftkvalitet och hållbara energisystem. Hans bakgrund inkluderar en doktorsexamen i maskinteknik från UC Berkeley, och han var biträdande redaktör för tidskriften Building and Environment. Tidigare arbetade han som Associate Professor vid University of Texas.

Website: The University of Toronto - Dr Jeffrey Siegel

Jon Holmes, även kallad "filterkillen", har arbetat med Camfil i över 10 år och befordrades 2022 till National Accounts Manager i Kanada. Jon har genomgått utbildning i filtreringsteorier, HEPA-filtreringstestning, ASHRAE-teststandarder och avancerad filtrering. Han är också mycket engagerad i branschorganisationer som BOMA, CHES och NAFA och fungerar som ordförande för flera kommittéer inom branschen.

Social Media: Jon Holmes



Initiativet Chief Airgonomics Officer startades av Camfil, en ledande tillverkare av premiumlösningar för ren luft och en förespråkare för tillgång till ren luft.

Känsligheten för luft har ökat på grund av COVID-19-pandemin, luftföroreningar är välkända för att skada miljön och de nyligen publicerade WHO Air Quality Guidelines visar oss att luftföroreningar är mer skadliga för människors hälsa än vad som tidigare har förståtts.

Initiativet är ett direkt svar på dessa utmaningar samtidigt som det förverkligar Camfils uppdrag att skydda människor, processer och miljön. Det omsätter också i praktiken Camfils kunskap och expertis som byggts upp under mer än ett halvt sekel och som man är angelägen om att dela med sig av till sina kollegor och en bredare publik för att förbättra människors liv.

Vår vision: Ren luft borde vara en mänsklig rättighet

Vårt uppdrag: Vi vill att alla företag och organisationer ska sätta ren och hälsosam inomhusluft på agendan. Camfil anser att verklig förändring endast kan ske genom samarbete och vill att din organisation ska ansluta sig till initiativet. Börja din resa mot ren inomhusluft idag!

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I det här avsnittet får du tydlig, vetenskapligt underbyggd vägledning om hur du förbättrar inomhusluften från en globalt erkänd ledare inom byggvetenskap.

Professor Jeffrey Siegel delar med sig av enkla strategier som att kontrollera källor, optimera ventilationen och välja effektiva filter. Han berättar hur små förändringar kan ha en meningsfull inverkan på hälsa, välbefinnande och kognitiv funktion. Jeffrey drar nytta av sin omfattande expertis för att hjälpa oss förstå vikten av inomhusluftens kvalitet och hur vi praktiskt kan förbättra den.

Efter det här avsnittet kommer du att känna dig stärkt att vidta åtgärder för att förbättra luften omkring dig.


  • Varför inomhusluftkvalitet är viktigare än någonsin
  • Fördelarna med ren luftkvalitet för vår hälsa och vårt välbefinnande
  • Skapa ett hälsosamt mikrobiom inomhus
  • Certifieringar och regler för luftkvalitet inomhus
  • Varför alla luftfilter inte är lika bra


Dr Jeffrey Siegel, professor i civilingenjörsvetenskap vid University of Toronto, är specialiserad på att skapa hälsosamma och hållbara byggnader. Med expertis inom ventilation, inomhusluftkvalitet och kontroll av partiklar bidrar han till forskning om inomhusmikrobiom och fuktinteraktioner. Dr. Siegel, som är medlem i ASHRAE, undervisar i kurser om inomhusluftkvalitet och hållbara energisystem. Hans bakgrund inkluderar en doktorsexamen i maskinteknik från UC Berkeley, och han var biträdande redaktör för tidskriften Building and Environment. Tidigare arbetade han som Associate Professor vid University of Texas.

Website: The University of Toronto - Dr Jeffrey Siegel

Jon Holmes, även kallad "filterkillen", har arbetat med Camfil i över 10 år och befordrades 2022 till National Accounts Manager i Kanada. Jon har genomgått utbildning i filtreringsteorier, HEPA-filtreringstestning, ASHRAE-teststandarder och avancerad filtrering. Han är också mycket engagerad i branschorganisationer som BOMA, CHES och NAFA och fungerar som ordförande för flera kommittéer inom branschen.

Social Media: Jon Holmes



Initiativet Chief Airgonomics Officer startades av Camfil, en ledande tillverkare av premiumlösningar för ren luft och en förespråkare för tillgång till ren luft.

Känsligheten för luft har ökat på grund av COVID-19-pandemin, luftföroreningar är välkända för att skada miljön och de nyligen publicerade WHO Air Quality Guidelines visar oss att luftföroreningar är mer skadliga för människors hälsa än vad som tidigare har förståtts.

Initiativet är ett direkt svar på dessa utmaningar samtidigt som det förverkligar Camfils uppdrag att skydda människor, processer och miljön. Det omsätter också i praktiken Camfils kunskap och expertis som byggts upp under mer än ett halvt sekel och som man är angelägen om att dela med sig av till sina kollegor och en bredare publik för att förbättra människors liv.

Vår vision: Ren luft borde vara en mänsklig rättighet

Vårt uppdrag: Vi vill att alla företag och organisationer ska sätta ren och hälsosam inomhusluft på agendan. Camfil anser att verklig förändring endast kan ske genom samarbete och vill att din organisation ska ansluta sig till initiativet. Börja din resa mot ren inomhusluft idag!

CAO Website

CAO Linkedin Group

Klimatförändringarna gör att skogsbränderna i Kanada, USA och andra delar av världen blir mer våldsamma och långvariga, eftersom landskap förstörs och skadlig rök från bränderna sprids tusentals kilometer bort. Idag ska vi lära oss mer om den oroande inverkan som bränderna har på vår luftkvalitet och hur vi kan skydda oss från att andas in partiklar som kan ha en lika skadlig inverkan på vår hälsa. Våra experter är Jennifer Webb, specialist på molekylär filtrering, som bor i epicentrum av en av de värst drabbade platserna, Kalifornien, och Jon Holmes, som är Camfils National Account Manager i Kanada. Han är känd som "The Filter Guy" för sin passion för att hantera IAQ för att skydda vår hälsa.

  • 01:38 Klimatförändringens inverkan på skogsbränder
  • 04:53 Skadliga partiklar i rök från skogsbränder
  • 07:23 Mätning av de sex viktigaste luftföroreningarna
  • 12:20 Personliga restriktioner till följd av dålig IAQ
  • 15:28 Åtgärder du kan vidta för bättre IAQ
  • 17:56 Luftkvalitetens inverkan på arbetskraften 
  • 20:53 Underhåll av luftfilter under skogsbrandssäsongen
  • 22:00 Hur vi kan utbilda oss själva om AQI och IAQ
  • 24:30 Hur man blir en Chief Airgonomics Officer 

Jennifer Webb är Camfils segmentchef för molekylär filtrering i västra USA och Mexiko. Hon har en kandidatexamen i maskinteknik från University of Delaware. Jennifer ansvarar för teknisk försäljning, marknadsföring och affärsutveckling av molekylära (aka "kol" eller "gasfas") filtreringslösningar för ett brett spektrum av industrier och applikationer, inklusive flygplatser, sjukhus, bevarande av kulturarv, petrokemisk industri, avloppsvatten, massa och papper, industriella avgaser och biogas.


Jon Holmes, även kallad "filterkillen", har arbetat med Camfil i över 10 år och befordrades 2022 till National Accounts med bas i Toronto. Jon brinner för Camfil och förser kunderna med lösningar för att uppnå deras mål för energiminskning och hållbarhet. Jon har genomgått utbildning i filtreringsteorier, Hepa-filtreringstestning, ASHRAE-teststandarder, avancerad filtrering, filterval och har kört vår mobila CamTester i hela Alberta för att validera filterprestanda på fältet. Han är också mycket engagerad i branschorganisationer som BOMA, CHES och NAFA, och är även ordförande för flera kommittéer inom branschen. Jon Holmes har nyligen erhållit sin Fitwel Ambassador Certification och fortsätter att arbeta på sin WELL-ackreditering. Du hittar Jon Holmes, alias "Jon the Filter Guy" på LinkedIn där han delar med sig av videotips om hur du maximerar värdet av din luftfiltrering.

Social Media: Jon Holmes

Artiel: Wildfire solution guide


Initiativet Chief Airgonomics Officer startades av Camfil, en ledande tillverkare av premiumlösningar för ren luft och en förespråkare för tillgång till ren luft.

Känsligheten för luft har ökat på grund av COVID-19-pandemin, luftföroreningar är välkända för att skada miljön och de nyligen publicerade WHO Air Quality Guidelines visar oss att luftföroreningar är mer skadliga för människors hälsa än vad som tidigare har förståtts.

Initiativet är ett direkt svar på dessa utmaningar samtidigt som det förverkligar Camfils uppdrag att skydda människor, processer och miljön. Det omsätter också i praktiken Camfils kunskap och expertis som byggts upp under mer än ett halvt sekel och som man är angelägen om att dela med sig av till sina kollegor och en bredare publik för att förbättra människors liv.

Vår vision: Ren luft borde vara en mänsklig rättighet

Vårt uppdrag: Vi vill att alla företag och organisationer ska sätta ren och hälsosam inomhusluft på agendan. Camfil anser att verklig förändring endast kan ske genom samarbete och vill att din organisation ska ansluta sig till initiativet. Börja din resa mot ren inomhusluft idag!

CAO Website

CAO Linkedin Group

  • 01:33 De långsiktiga ekonomiska besparingarna med premiumfilter
  • 07:10 Vikten av att ta hänsyn till inomhusluftens kvalitet som fastighetsförvaltare
  • 09:15 Luftkvalitet som ett incitament för att få tillbaka personalen till kontoret
  • 11:30 Hur man håller både kunder och hyresgäster nöjda
  • 16:10 Luftkvalitetskontroller och branschens bästa praxis
  • 19:25 Hållbarhetsaspekter för luftfilter
  • 23:04 Utbildning och de första stegen för att förbättra din luftkvalitet

Jesse Buhler har arbetat med förvaltning, utveckling och byggnation av bostadsfastigheter och kommersiella fastigheter i över 15 år. För närvarande leder han ett team med olika yrkesgrupper som fokuserar på den dagliga förvaltningen av AAA:s kontorsfastigheter. Han arbetar också med ett internt team som bland annat fokuserar på att effektivisera driften, utveckla och genomföra hållbarhetsinsatser, implementera ny fastighetsteknik och mycket annat. Hans erfarenhet inom branschen och att han är uppväxten i en entreprenörsfamilj har gett honom kunskapen, drivkraft och en unik insikt för att skapa och leda effektiva team inom fastighets- och projektledningsbranschen.

Social Media: Jesse Buhler

Jon Holmes har arbetat med Camfil i över 10 år och under 2022 befordrades han till National Accounts med bas i Toronto. Jon brinner för Camfil och förser kunderna med lösningar för att uppnå deras mål för energiminskning och hållbarhet. Jon har genomgått utbildning i filtreringsteorier, Hepa-filtreringstestning, ASHRAE-teststandarder, avancerad filtrering, filterval och har kört vår mobila CamTester i hela Alberta för att validera filterprestanda på fältet. Han är också mycket engagerad i branschorganisationer som BOMA, CHES och NAFA, och är även ordförande för flera kommittéer inom branschen. Jon Holmes har nyligen erhållit sin Fitwel Ambassador Certification och fortsätter att arbeta på sin WELL-ackreditering. Du hittar Jon Holmes, alias "Jon the Filter Guy" på LinkedIn där han delar med sig av videotips om hur du maximerar värdet av din luftfiltrering.

Social Media: Jon Holmes



  • 01:05 Kopplingen mellan hälsa och arbetsmarknad
  • 03:21 Att jämföra anställda och chefer med schackspelare
  • 05:23 Hur schackexperimentet lades upp
  • 09:57 Övervakning av spelarnas prestationer
  • 13:40 Att dela med sig av resultaten
  • 15:38 Överraskande skillnad mellan amatörer och proffs
  • 17:26 Hur det kan tillämpas på arbetsplatsen



    Steffen Künn är docent vid Handelshögskolan vid Maastricht University och forskare vid Institute of Labor Economics (IZA) samt Research Centre for Education and the Labour Market (ROA).

    Hans huvudsakliga forskningsintressen omfattar tillämpad arbetsmarknadsekonomi. Han fokuserar särskilt på två ämnen: effektiviteten av aktiv arbetsmarknadspolitik och effekterna av inomhusmiljöförhållanden på människors hälsa, kognition och arbetsmarknadsresultat.

    Social Media: Steffen Künn

    Artikel: Indoor Air Quality and Strategic Decision Making

    • 00:53 Vad är en bioaerosol?
    • 01:29 Hur viktiga är de för människor?
    • 03:50 Pollen vs svampsporer vs dina lungor
    • 05:20 Hur de påverkar vår dagliga hälsa.
    • 06:33 Hur nationella myndigheter mäter bioaerosoler.
    • 08:28 Kan prognoser lindra hälsosymtom?
    • 10:00 Allergener som lurar inomhus på arbetsplatser.
    • 13:30 Vad du ska hålla utkik efter på ditt eget kontor eller i din egen anläggning.

    David O'Connor är för närvarande biträdande professor vid School of Chemical Sciences vid Dublin City University, där han arbetar med föreläsningar och laborationer inom fysikalisk kemi. Han arbetade tidigare vid Technological University Dublin och har tidigare haft postdoktorala tjänster vid University of Denver (Marie Curie Fellowship) och University College Cork, vilket innebar många fält- och laboratoriestudier om atmosfäriskt relevanta arter och processer.

    Website: Dublin City University - David O'Connor

    Twitter: David O'Connor

    • Varför överflöd är bra
    • Hur vetenskapen förenklar komplexiteten i hållbarhet
    • Flödet av material som vi gräver upp ur marken
    • Kemikalier och avfall som vi släpper ut från samhället
    • Ekosystem som förstörs av markröjning eller överextraktion av resurser
    • De fem nyckelelementen i social hållbarhet
    • Hur ABCD kan hjälpa dig att förklara ditt uppdrag som CAO
    • Kopplingen mellan ren luft och hållbarhet
    • Hur en person kan göra skillnad
    Richard Blume är senior hållbarhetsstrateg, konsult och affärsrådgivare. Han är en av grundarna till Sustainability Collaborative, ett kontor inom nätverket The Natural Step som främjar ett vetenskapligt baserat ramverk för hållbarhetsdriven innovation. Med 20 års erfarenhet av att hjälpa både små och medelstora företag och multinationella företag att integrera hållbarhetsprinciper i strategi och verksamhet är Richard en mångsidig utbildare, strateg, projektledare och analytiker som gillar att koppla ihop detaljer med den stora bilden. Richard har en magisterexamen i strategiskt ledarskap mot hållbarhet från Blekinge Tekniska Högskola och en kombinerad kandidatexamen i civil- och miljöteknik och internationella studier från University of Technology, Sydney, Australien.
    Richard Blume LinkedIn


    The Natural Step
    Sustainability Collaborative

    • Enkla förbättringar gjorda på kontoret
    • Hur de skiljer bra luft från dålig luft
    • Hur den befintliga kvaliteten på luft mäts
    • Oro som tagits upp av anställda
    • Deras största utmaning under de sex kommande månaderna

    Paul Flanagan är Managing Director på Camfil, Ireland. Han har stor erfarenhet av filtreringsbranschen, med många års av att hjälpa kunder med tekniska frågor, särskilt inom Life Science, Healthcare, Datacenters, Food & Beverage och utbildningsanläggningar.

    • Enkla förbättringar gjorda på kontoret
    • Hur de skiljer bra luft från dålig luft
    • Hur den befintliga kvaliteten på luft mäts
    • Oro som tagits upp av anställda
    • Deras största utmaning under de sex kommande månaderna

    Paul Flanagan är Managing Director på Camfil, Ireland. Han har stor erfarenhet av filtreringsbranschen, med många års av att hjälpa kunder med tekniska frågor, särskilt inom Life Science, Healthcare, Datacenters, Food & Beverage och utbildningsanläggningar.

    • Hur airgonomics inspirerades av kundernas nyfikenhet
    • Varför vi tror att inomhusluften är säker och varför den inte är det
    • Ett exempel på hur CO2-nivåer har stigit
    • Rollen som Chief Airgonomics Officer
    • Varför det inte bara är för forskare eller flygspecialister
    • Hur Anders har implementerat rollen samt feedback från kollegor
    • Hur du kan engagera dig och vilken hjälp du kan förvänta dig

    Med över 20 års erfarenhet av teknik och design är det väldigt lite som Anders Sundvik inte vet om filter, partiklar, gaser eller luftföroreningar och hur de hanteras. Nyligen har han utsetts till en av världens första Airgonomics Officers.

    • Varför ren luft får ett nytt liv
    • De chockerande siffrorna före Covid som driver förändringen
    • Vem sätter reglerna och hur de kan lagstifta så snabbt
    • Vikten av att ta hänsyn till föroreningar med inomhusluft
    • Hur fördelarna med ren luft skördar stora belöningar för företag
    • Varför ren luft som en mänsklig rättighet skulle kunna inskrivas i brittisk lag
    Som grundare och direktör för Clean Air i London (CAL) har Simon Birkett sedan 2006 kampanjat för fullständig efterlevnad av Världshälsoorganisationens (WHO) riktlinjer för luftkvalitet i hela London och på andra håll.
    On this episode are joined by Markus Koch and Paula Nowojska as they discuss the development of the Hi-Flo next generation bag filter. In this podcast discover.
    On this episode we’re finding out about the main types of air filter available, what they do and where they work best. In twenty minutes you will have a great understanding of how they work and be better able to consider what would work best for your facility..
    Covid 19 has taught us many lessons over the past two years and today many new people are considering new or upgraded air for their building. This podcast is an introduction on how to look at your office, school or facility building and think about how to assess the risks.
    • How Covid has altered the perception of air quality
    • Risk assessing your building
    • How to monitor, measure and maintain a ventilation system
    For your convenience, here is a 90% accurate automated transcript of the podcast.
    On this episode we talk about the new WHO air quality guidelines and how it affects your indoor air quality
    • About the World Health Organisations air quality Guidelines
    • What are the key contaminants that are identified in them
    • How this standard affects the requirement for clean air in your buildings
    For your convenience, here is a 90% accurate automated transcript of the podcast.
    On this episode we talk about the importance of considering energy costs when choosing the right clean air solution for your HVAC system
    • Why improvements in air quality have driven down energy costs
    • How clean air and energy costs are linked
    • How energy efficiency for air filters is measured standards
    For your convenience, here is a 90% accurate automated transcript of the podcast.
    On this episode we talk to the BRCGS and discuss the importance of a factory audit and how air quality is looked at in the BRCGS standards and guidelines
    • Who are the BRCGS
    • What air quality standards are included in their auditing guideline
    • How to ensure your facility meets these air quality standards
    For your convenience, here is a 90% accurate automated transcript of the podcast.
    On this episode we understand more about airborne molecular contaminants and how to deal with them. Our speaker on this episode is Trent Thiel.
    • The difference between Molecular and Particulate contamination
    • Common Molecular contaminants
    • How Molecular contaminants affect people, products and the environment
    For your convenience, here is a 90% accurate automated transcript of the podcast.
    On this episode we understand more about cleanrooms and controlled environments. We hear exactly what they are, how they work and how they help us.
    • The How, what and where of cleanrooms
    • What is the importance of clean air to a cleanroom
    • Energy consumption considerations for cleanrooms
    For your convenience, here is a 90% accurate automated transcript of the podcast. 
    We go into the heart of a hospital to find out about clean air in the operating theatre. Hear how Dublin city’s leading hospital and university collaborated on a new piece of research which photographed air flows around the patient and doctors and how they went about reducing the effects of aerosols.
    • What aerosols are found in operating theatres
    • What are the problems with Aerosol generating procedures
    • The use of Inroom air purification systems to protect surgeons
    For your convenience, here is a 90% accurate automated transcript of the podcast. 
    This month we look at one of most used anacronyms in the industry – HEPA – to find out just what it is, how it works and why it’s important.
    • What are HEPA filters and what are they used for
    • What standards are HEPA filters tested to
    • What applications are HEPA filters used for
    • Why they are used to capture airborne contaminants
    • Maintenance and Lifecycle costsr
    For your convenience, here is a 90% accurate automated transcript of the podcast. 
    Sensors are a key part to monitoring air quality. This month we find out more about their advantages and disadvantages and a potential future where they could automate the consistency of air quality 
    • Why All spaces are not equal
    • The components that make up air
    • How and why we monitor these components of air
    • Types of air quality sensors
    • How to compare outside air and inside air
    • How monitors can be used to automate air quality
    For your convenience, here is a 90% accurate automated transcript of the podcast. 
    One of the most important aspects of dust collection is having the proper filter media for the job. In this episode you will hear how to select the right media, and how to determine which is most beneficial to you. We cover: 
    • Types of Filter media
    • Quality Vs Cost
    • The Media selection process
    For your convenience, here is a 90% accurate automated transcript of the podcast. 
    Discover how air quality can affect what we eat and drink and the challenges facing food and beverage production facilities
    • Air quality risks to Food and Beverage facilities
    • standards and regulations
    • Zoning requirements
    • Air quality responsibility
    • Evaluating your HVAC systems
    • Examples on the affect of poor air quality
    For your convenience, here is a 90% accurate automated transcript of the podcast. 
    Protecting your buildings from the spread of airborne viruses has never been more important. Listen to our ask the experts discussion panel as we talk about air quality recommendations for building
    • REHVA Covid Guidelines
    • How viruses can spread in buildings
    • Risk mitigation strategies
    • The Use of Air filtration
    • Evaluating your HVAC systems
    • Advice for all building owners/managers
    For your convenience, here is a 90% accurate automated transcript of the podcast. 
    As the world changes with the Covid 19 pandemic, new guidelines have been introduced in Europe with regard to building safety
    • REHVA Covid Guidelines
    • Upgrade Considerations for existing systems
    • Examples
    • The Use of Air filtration
    • Evaluating your HVAC systems
    • Advice for all building owners/managers
    For your convenience, here is a 90% accurate automated transcript of the podcast. 
    Learn how to protect yourself and your workplace from viruses, including Covid-19 right through to unknown viruses still to come in the future.
    • How viruses affect Humans
    • Ways viruses can be transmitted
    • Examples of outbreaks in working facilitiesd
    • Principles for the control of airborne viruses
    • Applying these principles to the workplace
    • The Hierarchy of Control
    • Risk mitigation strategies
    For your convenience, here is a 90% accurate automated transcript of the podcast. 
    The quality of air has a dramatic effect on the health and efficiency of a production plant or facility and its staff. We get an overview of the main concerns, the dangers and the benefits of Clean Air.
    • Why indoor air can be more dangerous
    • What legislation surrounds pollutants
    • Which countries are more exposed
    • How you measure air quality
    • How to compare outside air and inside air
    • The two leading sources of threats to health
    • Benefits of cleaner air
    For your convenience, here is a 90% accurate automated transcript of the podcast. 
    Publicerad den 25 november 2021
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