Globala initiativ för att förbättra inomhusluftkvalitet (IAQ)

Två viktiga internationella initiativ har som mål att inverka på filtering i hemmiljö och på arbetsplatser för att skydda människor från dålig inomhusluftkvalitet (IAQ).

Two important international initiatives are set to impact on filtration in the home and at work to protect occupants from poor indoor air quality (IAQ).

First, the World Health Organization (WHO) has confirmed the importance of complying with air quality guidelines indoors as well as outdoors. The guidelines provide global WHO recommendations on air pollution exposure, including indoor exposure.

The WHO guidelines are aimed at informing housing policies and regulations, emphasising the importance of collaboration between health and other sectors and joint efforts across all government levels to promote healthy housing. 

Second, the European Parliament has adopted a resolution proposed by four UK MEPs calling on governments and the European Commission to take more ambitious action to improve indoor air quality.

Simon Birkett, founder and director of Clean Air in London, said “individually and together, these two developments emphasised the need for urgent action to reduce air pollution to protect public health.” He added: “The noose is tightening around indoor air pollution.”

Birkett said Clean Air in London was “proud of its long and strong association with Camfil, a world leader in air filters for buildings and its lead sponsor since 2011, in this deadly fight for clean air”.

We, Camfil, offer a series of patented air cleaners and air purifiers with HEPA filters, the most efficient filter type currently available. HEPA (referred to as ‘high-efficiency particulate air’ and ‘high-energy particulate arresting’). A HEPA air filter is made up of thousands of fine fibres arranged into a matt. It can therefore intercept both microscopic particles and larger ones.

Whether small or large, the end product of our air filters is clean air that is free of harmful contaminants, pollutants, allergens, dust, dirt, molecular gases, or even life-threatening radiation.

Filters complement an existing ventilation system and offer lower energy costs, more efficient production and a healthier working environment. Our filters are thus able to improve people’s health and performance, protect critical manufacturing processes, boost productivity and safeguard the environment.

However, efficient filtering of outdoor air is not enough on its own when the air is polluted indoors, and it will be – from chemicals, room interior and people themselves. Camfil air purifiers for office and domestic applications and our air cleaners for industrial and process applications are equipped with the most efficient Absolute HEPA filters.

It pays to make an investment in reduced energy costs: no more odours, and a healthier working environment with less dust and fewer harmful particles by specifying Camfil high efficiency filters.

For more information about our range of air cleaners and air purifiers, click here.

Publicerad den 27 november 2018
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