Luftrenare på sjukhus

Your hospital has many different areas where air quality is important to protecting your patients health


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Hospital air cleaners

Hospitals rely heavily on infection control to ensure both the health of the patients and staff are protected. Many viruses and contaminants are transferred though the respiratory system and it is for this reason that the air quality in hospitals needs to be protected. Camfil are the clean air specialists. Find out how Camfil solutions can help you protect your patients and staff in your hospital.

See what our customers say

Camfil air cleaners are used for a variety of applications within hospitals. Find out how St.James's Hospital in Dublin used air cleaners during Aspergillus prevention works in hospitals.



The harmful particles that are potentially hazardous to patient health comes from a range of different areas. These areas are generally catagorised into “internal and external pollutants”

External pollutants:

External pollutants are sources of air pollution that are generated in the air outside of your building. Car exhaust fumes, factory emissions, dust particles from construction work and other processes are the main cause of these pollutants. Although your HVAC system will help deal with most of these contaminants, these can also penetrate your building through open doors and windows throughout your hospital

Internal pollutants:

Internal pollutants are any pollutant that is introduced into your indoor air environment from people or processes that are present within your building. Contaminants such as respiratory spread viruses, fumes from cleaning products, kitchen odours and other man made contaminates are included in this

During construction works there is an increase release of the Aspergillus into the atmosphere. Aspergillus can be deadly to high risk, low immune patients. During construction works all hospital windows must be sealed shut and the air must be filtered adequately in the patient rooms to avoid the risk of contamination.

One of the key problems that hospitals laboratories face is the odours that are emmitted from the use of formaldaldehyde. Often laboratory staff complain of headaches suffer from the inhalation of this compound. Installing air cleaners can be the solution. As well as using Absolute HEPA filters, Camfil air cleaners also use molecular filtration. The right molecular filtration solution can deal efficiently with fromaldehyde and other VOCs. This can help protect your employees health and also rid the nuisance odour from your laboratory

The secret to achieving the correct ISO rating for your clean room facility is using the right filtration solution with the correct number of air changes. Camfil air cleaners use en1822:2009 rated Absolute HEPA filters (the same standard that are in your HVAC system). Through using Camfil air cleaners, Camfil have worked with hospitals where we have improved ISO 8 rated rooms to achieve ISO 7 standard air quality. Talk to your local Camfil representative to find out more

Camfil air cleaners are an adaptable plug and play solution. Using patented dual inlet systems allows each cc unit to be used for different applications around the hospital. Camfil air cleaners use HEPA filters that are tested and certified to en1822:2009. This means that the efficiency of the filter has been tested to ensure optimum performance of your unit

Case studies

Publicerad den 28 augusti 2019
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