Multinational pharmaceutical company

Gold series camtain® stoftavskiljare säkerställer explosivt läkemedelsdamm

Project profile
A multinational pharmaceutical company in Spain
Farr Gold Series® Camtain® Dust Collector
6 x GSC2, 3 x GSC2 and 1 x GSC2
Air volume:
1,200 m3/hr each
Tablet machines and dispensing suites
Installation dates:
September 2012, September 2014 and August 2015


A multinational pharmaceutical company needed a dust extraction system for their new tableting suite in Spain. The suite was comprised of six rooms, each with its own tablet machine. The explosive nature of the dust as well as the toxicity of the drugs demanded a dust collector that was ATEX rated to class 2D, indoor zone 21 and fitted with a safe change system to change the filters and a safe method for removal of the collected dust.
Gold Series dust and mist collectors collect dust at an OSD plant
Six GSC2 Farr Gold Series Camtain units installed in September 2012 to extract dust from tablet machines at the multinational pharmaceutical company in Spain.


Camfil APC was approached by the company to provide proposals for this new project and worked closely with the their engineering and maintenance departments to develop the right solution. It was concluded that to reduce the risk of cross contamination and to simplify the operation of the system, each room would be fitted with its own dedicated dust collector. Moreover, this would ensure the system was as energy efficient as possible as the dust collectors not in use could be switched off.

Camfil APC proposed their Farr Gold Series Camtain GSC2 for this challenging project. The dust collectors were installed outside and each one was fitted with explosion vents, bag-in/bag-out (BIBO) doors for safe change of the HemiPleat® filter cartridges and a double butterfly valve continuous liner discharge system for the collected dust. Suction was provided by individual medium pressure fans on each dust collector to ensure optimum energy efficiency.

Camfil's Gold Series Camtain GSC2 collecting hazardous dust

Camfil APC worked closely with an installation company to ensure the dust collectors were installed correctly and all relevant standards were followed.

The dust collectors have been operating effectively and efficiently since their installation and the customer is highly satisfied with the installation and with the close co-operation between the supplier, installer and the end user.

They were so pleased with the successful implementation of the first installation that they called Camfil APC and the installation company again to install three additional systems. These new systems, incorporating three units of the same type of GSC2 dust collector, were installed in September 2014 and provide dust extraction to their dispensing suites. During August 2015 a new GSC2 dust collector was installed by Camfil directly, acting as consultant, supplier and installer providing dust extraction to other dispensing suites. As with the first and second installation the customer is delighted with the corporation and the new systems.

Publicerad den 27 november 2018
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