Gold Series X-Flo

Gold Series X-Flo (GSX) industriella stoftavskiljare är det bästa stoftavskiljningssystemet som finns på marknaden. GSX stoftavskiljare är idealiska för industriella processer som producerar rök och/eller fint, fibröst och tungt stoft.

GSX collectors are designed in modules, so they are easy to build and assemble. Each module handles airflows up to 6,000 cfm (10,200 m3/h) using four Gold ConeTM X-Flo filter cartridges. Camfil designed these new filter cartridges with more pleated media and surface area than ever before, so they can move more air and process more dust without increasing the collector’s overall footprint.

The collector also features a newly engineered inlet and unique baffle configuration that creates a more uniform airflow, which extends the life of the filters. When the filters are pulse cleaned, more dust is channeled directly into the hopper instead of into the adjacent filters.

GSX dust collectors exceed OSHA mandates for indoor air quality and are tested to meet NFPA and ATEX standards. They are available with many explosion protection options including explosion vents, isolation valves, integrated safety monitoring filters and fire-retardant filter cartridges.

Gold Series X-Flo

GSX-avskiljare är idealiska för användning inom läkemedelsindustrin samt inom gruv-, livsmedels- och kemisk bearbetningsindustri. Det ger även en säkrare arbetsmiljö i metallbearbetningsprocesser såsom plasmaskärning, laserskärning och tung sprängning. 

Publicerad den 27 november 2018
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